GRK 1505 „Analyse und Simulation elektrischer Wechselwirkungen zwischen Implantaten und Biosystemen“ (GRK welisa)
1. Oktober 2008 bis 30. September 2017
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ursula van Rienen (IEF) (speaker)
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Wolfram Mittelmeier (Universitätsmedizin) (deputy speaker)

Beteiligte Einrichtungen / Fachgebiete
Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Materialwissenschaften, Medizin, Biologie, Physik
Das Graduiertenkolleg befasste sich mit medizinischen Implantaten, deren Funktionsweise auf elektrischen Impulsen beruht.
Angelegt war das GRK mit jeweils 15 Stipendiaten (davon 6 an der IEF) auf neun Jahre, so dass drei Generationen von Doktoranden jeweils drei Jahre lang im GRK forschen konnten.
Despite numerous successes with implanted technical systems to support body functions that have been restricted by illness, accident or age, an extended research is needed with the objectives of improved function, greater compatibility and longer durability of implants. A substantial part of the emerging questions is directly connected to the necessity of a profound understanding of the processes at the interface between the implant and surrounding tissue, which in turn requires a detailed knowledge of the electrochemical processes taking place there - if applicable, influenced by externally applied electromagnetic fields.
The precise model description of the processes at the interface between the implant and surrounding tissue from both biological and medical as well as from physical-electrotechnical and biophysical-electrochemical point of view is the central research goal.
To study these processes, in the first funding period experimental analyses of the adhesion and proliferation of osteoblasts, biophysical experiments on electrical coupling of nerve cell networks with sensor chips, electric field calculations and thermodynamic simulations on different size scales have been carried out. To describe the processes, innovative automated statistical methods and techniques from systems biology have been developed in the last 4 1/2 years. The outcome has direct relevance to the analysis of the electrical interactions between implants and the biological system and thus for the optimization of deep brain stimulation, of cochlear implants and of electrostimulative implant systems for bone regeneration for future clinical application. These findings obtained in the first period will be extended.
New for the second funding period are to investigate the influence of electromagnetic fields on bacteria and human cells.
Mitwirkende Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer
Universität Rostock
Universitätsmedizin Rostock
- Prof. Dr. med. habil. Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Bader, Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Orthopädische Klinik u. Poliklinik
- Prof. Dr. med. Reiner Benecke, Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Kreikemeyer, Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene
- Prof. Dr. med Rüdiger Köhling, Oscar Langendorff Institut für Physiologie
- Prof. Dr. med. habil. Wolfram Mittelmeier, Lehrstuhl Orthopädie
- Dr. med. Eilhard Mix, Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde, Klinik für Neurologie und Poliklinik
- Prof. Dr. agr. habil. J. G. Barbara Nebe, Zentrum für Medizinische Forschung
- Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Wilhelm Pau, Lehrstuhl Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde
Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
- PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ulrich Beck, Institut für Gerätesysteme und Schaltungstechnik
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ursula van Rienen, Institut für Allgemeine Elektrotechnik, Lehrstuhl Theoretische Elektrotechnik
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ralf Salomon, Institut für Angewandte Mikroelektronik und Datentechnik, Lehrstuhl Technische System- und Anwendersoftware
- Olaf Wolkenhauer, Institut für Informatik, Lehrstuhl Bioinformatik und Systembiologie
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Eberhard Burkel, Institut für Physik
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Konrad Engel, Lehrstuhl Mathematische Optimierung
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jan Gimsa, Lehrstuhl Biophysik
- Prof. i.R. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Friedrich Liese, Emeritus des Lehrstuhls Mathematische Statistik
Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik
- Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Behrend, Lehrstuhl Werkstoffe für die Medizintechnik
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Patrick Elter, Institut für Biomedizinische Technik
Projects first funding period
Influence of Structured Implant Surfaces on Neighbouring Bio-Systems and its Mathematical Modelling
- Katarcyna Biala: Characterization of the extracellular matrix dependent on the chemical composition of the underlying surface
- Gunnar Rott: Alloy titanium and composite with near-surface structure gradients for implants
- Yiyi Lu: Alloy titanium and composite with near-surface structure gradients for implants.
- Ekaterina Gongadze: Influence of the surface structure of a biomaterial on the field distribution in the neighbouring bio-systems
- Apurva Sarkar: Reaction-diffusion equations for the adhesion of osteoblasts on metallic implants
- Claudia Matschegewski: Analysis of initial adhesion mechanisms of osteoblasts in dependence of chemical, physical and electrical characteristics of implant surfaces
- Johannes Steffen: Expressions of calcium channels in osteobasts
- Harald Birkholz: Automatic detection of cyto-morphological parameters from microscope-images
- Bing Liu: Mathematical analysis of the interaction of biomaterial and cells
- Stefan Pauleweit: Mathematical modelling of cell growth depending on characteristics of the titan surface
- Shaghayegh Eshaghian: Uncertainty in interactions between cells and their environment.
- Friederike Kunz: In vitro analysis of calcium channel function in osteoblasts
Electrical Interaction between Implant and Bio-Systems
- Marian Lüder: Entwurf und Realisierung eines dynamischen Regelsystems zur Anpassung von Cochlea-Implantaten an die Umgebungslautstärke sowie elektro-physiologische Parameter
- Revathi Appali: Modeling of the coupling of action potentials and electrodes on neurochips
- Tom Reimer: Influence of electrical fields on neuronal growth and electrical activity in cortical neuronal networks cultivated on neurochips
- Eduard Vinter: Numerical analysis of electric field effects on deep brain stimulating electrodes
- Christian Schmidt: Numerical analysis of the electric field effects at electrodes for deep brain stimulation
- Matthias Nissen: In-vitro stimulation of basal ganglia neurons on neurosensor-chips
- Karl Andreas Nowak: Optimization of electrodes and stimulation parameters for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
- Kathrin Badstübner: Optimization of electrodes and stimulation parameters for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
- Annekathrin Grünbaum: Electrical acoustic nerve stimulation
- Thomas Weihe: Stimulation of human osteoblasts on cell chips in vivo
- Sebastian M. Bonk: Implementation of sensoric and acuatoric in a 3D-cell culture system
- Yvonne Haba: Electro-stimulating implants for bone regeneration: Parameter analysis and design optimization
- Yukun Su: Optimization and development of implants and parameters for the electromagnetic stimulation of bone regeneration
Projects second funding period
Experimental principles
- Rico Schnierer: Optimization of CaTiO3 for implants
- Marcel Wetegrove: Synthesis and characterisation of bioactive bone implant materials
- Andreas Körtge: Correlation of implant surfaces with bio-systems
- Anne Langenbach: Influence of electrical fields on neuronal growth and electrical activity in cortical neuronal networks cultivated on neurochips
- Philip Wysotzki: Connection between surface structure, cell activity and cell adhesion power
- Christin Kleineberg: Optimization of the culture processes for epitaxial growth of osteobasts with parallel simulation
- Anne-Marie Galow: Prevention of the generation of biological film-forming on implants
- Denise Franz: Analysis of the electrical signal-electrode-coupling
- Hendrik Brehme: Prevention of biofilm formation on implants
- Abdullah Riaz: Development of a 3D Active Implant Prototype
- Jana Markhoff: Differentiation and activity of human primary osteoclasts from peripheral blood mononuclear cells under the influence of orthopedic wear particles
Medical Application
- Mirjana Holst: In silico study on in vitro experiments to determine the electric membrane properties of a realistic cochlear model for electric field simulations on cochlear implants
- Caroline Mörke: Evaluation of the influence of topographic and chemical surface properties on the cell biology
- Thomas Dauben: Implant systems for bone regeneration: Investigation of the influence of electromagnetic fields on bacteria and human cells
- Josefin Ziebart: Cell biological investigations of electromagnetic stimulation of osteobasts in 3D-setting
- Thomas Bender: Investigation of electro-stimulating implants for bone regeneration and prevention of implant-associated bacterial infection using DC. Parameter analysis and surface coatings optimization, in-vitro investigation
- Anna Adamus: Role of transmembrane syndecan receptors in cellular adhesion on modified biomaterials
- Bettina Hiemer: Treatment of osteochondral defects by the use of electrical stimulation: Investigations of the cellular response
- Katharina Wegner: Combined effects of cold atmospheric pressure plasma and electrical stimulation on biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis
- Sarah Zaatreh: Microbiological investigations of antibacterial implant surfaces in mono- and co-culture
- Simone Krüger: Investigation of combined electrical and mechanical stimulation on osseous cells
Theoretical Models
- Kiran Sriperumbudur: Modeling simulation of stimulating electrode coupling with auditory nerve/ nerve fibers
- Sebastian Hanisch: Mathematical models for the reconstruction of cellular networks on multielectrode arrays
- Ralf Warmuth: Design and implementation of an FPGA-based embedded system for the automatic adaption of cochlear implants
- Azhar Z. Syed: Investigation of the influence of the electrode surface structure on the field distribution in neighbouring bio-systems
- Tom C. Theile: Spatio-temporal modeling of cells interacting on surfaces
- Ulf Zimmermann: Mathematical approaches to bone remodelling under the influence of electric stimulation
- Bachir Delenda: Reaction-diffusion model of the adhesion of osteoblasts on metallic implant using electrical stimulation
- Seyed M. H. Hosseini: Developing of piezoelectric bio-active implants for bone modeling/remodeling process
- Andrea Böhme: Numerical simulation of therapeutic effects of deep brain stimulation in an animal model
- Duy Truong: Numerical simulation of bone growth on metallic implants
- Kevin Struwe: Dynamic adjustment of cochlear implants to improve speech comprehension
- Christian Bahls: Positivity preserving integration schemes for computing the galvano-taxis of bone cells using reaction-diffusion-equations
- Karthik Sridhar: Modeling and electrical simulation of deep brain stimulation for treating parkinson's disease
- Bhargava Palakurthy: Erstellung eines Reaktions-Diffusion-Modells der Adhasion von Osteoblasten auf metallischen Implantaten unter Einbeziehung elektrisher Stimulation
Peer-reviewed journal papers
- BADSTUEBNER, K., GIMSA, U., WEBER, I., TUCHSCHERER, A. and GIMSA, J., 2017. Deep brain stimulation of hemiparkinsonian rats with unipolar and bipolar electrodes for up to 6 weeks – behavioral testing of freely moving animals. Parkinson's Disease, 207. DOI: 10.1155/2017/5693589.
- BADSTUEBNER, K., STUBBE, M., KROEGER, T., MIX, E. and GIMSA, J., 2017. Impedance detection of the electrical resistivity of the wound tissue around deep brain stimulation electrodes permits registration of the encapsulation process in a rat model. Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance, 8, pp. 11-24. DOI: 10.5617/jeb.4086.
- ENGEL, N., ADAMUS, A., SCHAUER, J., KUEHN, J., NEBE, JB., SEITZ, G. and KRAFT, K., 2017. Synergistic Action of Genistein and Calcitriol in Immature Osteosarcoma MG-63 Cells by SGPL1 Up-Regulation. PLoS ONE, 12 (1), pp. 18. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169742.
- FRANZ, D., OLSEN, H. L., KLINK, O. and GIMSA, J., 2017. Automated and manual patch clamp data of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons. Nature Scientific Data, 4:170056. DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.56.
- GALOW, A. and GIMSA, J., 2017. WST-assay data reveal a pH dependence of the mitochondrial succinate reductase in osteoblast-like cells. Data in Brief, 12, pp. 442-446. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.04.037.
- GALOW, A., REBL, A., KOCZAN, D., BONK, S., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2017. Increased osteoblast viability at alkaline pH in vitro provides a new perspective on bone regeneration. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 10, pp.17-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrep.2017.02.001.
- GALOW, A., REBL, A., KOCZAN, D. and GIMSA, J., 2017. MC3T3 osteoblast-like cells cultured at alkaline pH: Microarray data (Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse 2.0 ST). Data in Brief, 13, pp. 108-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.05.013.
- HABA, Y., WURM, A., KÖCKERLING, M., SCHICK, C., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2017. Characterization of human cancellous and subchondral bone with respect to electro physical properties and bone mineral density by means of impedance spectroscopy. Medical Engineering and Physics, 45, pp. 34-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2017.04.002.
- NEBE, J.B., MOERKE, C., STAEHLKE, S., FINKE, B., SCHNABELRAUCH, M., ANSELME, K., HELM, C.A., FRANK, M. and REBL, H., 2017. Complex cell physiology on topographically and chemically designed material surfaces. Material Science Forum, 879, pp. 78-83. DOI: 10.4028/
- STRUWE, K., 2017. APT: Enhanced Speech Comprehension Through Adaptive Pitch Transposition in Cochlear Implants. Springer International Publishing. eHealth 360°, 181, pp. 224-228. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49655-9_30.
- ZAATREH, S., HAFFNER, D., STRAUSS, M., DAUBEN, T., ZAMPIONI,C., MITTELMEIER, W., QUANDT, E., KREIKEMEYER ,B. and BADER, R., 2017. Thin magnesium layer confirmed as an antibacterial and biocompatible implant coating in a co‑culture model. Molecular Medicine Reports. DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2017.6218.
- BUEHLER, S. M., STUBBE, M., BONK, S. M., NISSEN, M., TITIPORNUN, K., KLINKENBERG, E.-D., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2016. Cell Monitoring and Manipulation Systems (CMMSs) based on Glass Cell-Culture-Chips (GC3s). Micromachines, 7 (7), pp. 106. DOI: 10.3390/mi7070106.
- DAUBEN, T., J., ZIEBART, J., BENDER, T., ZAATREH, S., KREIKEMEYER, B. and BADER, R., 2016. A novel in vitro system for comparative analyses of bone cells and bacteria under electrical stimulation. BioMed Research International, 2016. DOI: 10.1155/2016/5178640.
- FINKE, B., TESTRICH, H., REBL, H., WALSCHUS, U., SCHLOSSER, M., ZIETZ, C., STAEHLKE, S., NEBE, J.B., WELTMANN, K.D., MEICHSNER, J. and POLAK, M. 2016. Plasma-deposited fluorocarbon polymer films on titanium for preventing cell adhesion: a surface finishing for temporarily used orthopaedic implants. Journal of Physics: Applied Physics, 49 (23), DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/49/23/234002.
- GALOW, A., WYSOTZKI, P., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2016. Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects by alkalizing the peri-implant zone – an in vitro approach. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 2(1), pp. 547–551. DOI: 10.1515/cdbme-2016-0121.
- GIMSA, J. and STUBBE, M., 2016. Fast electric characterization of biological cells using an old idea of Maxwell. Atlas of Science, checked on 1/18/2016. PDF web.
HIEMER, B., GENZ, B., JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., PASOLD, J., WREE, A., DOMMERICH, S., BADER, R., 2016. Devitalisation of human cartilage by high hydrostatic pressure treatment: Investigation of subsequent revitalisation with chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells. Science Report, 27 (6), pp. 33747. DOI: 10.1038/srep33747.
- HIEMER, B., ZIEBART, J., JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., GRUNERT, P. C., SU, Y., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2016. Magnetically induced electrostimulation of human osteoblasts results in enhanced cell viability and osteogenic differentiation. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 38 (1), pp. 57-64. DOI: 10.3892/ijmm.2016.2590.
- JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., LOCHNER, K., SCHULZE, C., POHLE, D., PUSTLAUK, W., HANSMANN, D., BADER, R.; 2016. The contribution of human osteoblasts and macrophages to bone matrix degradation and proinflammatory cytokine release after exposure to abrasive endoprosthetic wear particles. Molecular Medicine Reports, 14 (2), pp.1491-500.
- LEIFERT, G., STRAUß, T., GRÜNING, T., WUSTLICH, W. and LABAHN, R., 2016. Cells in Multidimensional Recurrrent Neural Networks. Journal of Machine Learning, 17, pp. 1-37.
- MAUCK, J., WIEDING, J., KLUESS, D., BADER, R., 2016. Numerical simulation of mechanically stimulated bone remodelling. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 2(1), pp. 643-647.
- MILITZ, M., GABLER, C., MAUCK, J., MIETHKE, C., BIALAS, R., BÜHREN, V., MITTELMEIER, W., BADER, R., 2016. Rekonstruktion von Segmentdefekten der langen Röhrenknochen: Indikationen – Verfahren – Alternativen. Trauma und Berufskrankheit, 18(1), pp. 85-91.
- MOERKE, C., MUELLER, P. and NEBE, B., 2016. Data supporting attempted caveolae-mediated phagpcytosis of surface-fixed micro-pillars by human osteoblasts. Data in Brief, 7, pp. 177–182. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.02.023.
MOERKE, C., MUELLER, P. and NEBE, B., 2015. Attempted caveolae-meadiated phagocytosis of surface-fixed micro-pillars by human osteoblasts. Biomaterials, 76, pp. 102-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.10.030.
- NISSEN, M., BUEHLER, S. M., STUBBE, M. and GIMSA, J., 2016. Neuronal in-vitro activity is more sensitive to valproate than intracellular ATP: Considerations on conversion problems of IC50 in vitro data for animal replacement. BioSystems, 144, pp. 35-45. DOI:10.1016/j.biosystems.2016.04.009.
PRINZ, C., WEGNER, K., SCHNABELRAUCH, M., BERGEMANN, C., KAUTZ, R. and NEUMANN, H.G., 2016. Copper as an alternative antimicrobial coating. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4. 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montréal, Canada. DOI: 10.3389/conf.FBIOE.2016.01.00855.
- SCHMIDT, C., FLISGEN, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2016. Efficient computation of the neural activation during deep brain stimulation for dispersive electrical properties of brain tissue. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52 (3), pp. 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2498098.
- STRAUß, T., LEIFERT, G., GRÜNING, T., and LABAHN, R., 2016. Regular expressions for decoding of neural network outputs, Neural Networks, 79, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2016.03.003
- WARNKE, P., REDANZ, S., ZAATREH, S. and PODBIELSKI, A., 2016. Augmented recovery of microorganisms from swabs by homogenization: a novel standardizable high-throughput approach. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 84 (1), pp. 16–8.
- WITTE, K., BODNAR, W., WOODCOCK, T.G., SCHELL, N., FULDA, G. and BURKEL, E., 2016. A detailed study on the transition from the blocked to the superparamagnetic state of reduction precipitated iron oxide nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 403, pp. 103-113. DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2015.11.074.
- BESSERGENEV, V.G. , MATEUS M.C., BOTELHO DO REGO, A.M., HANTUSCH, M. and BURKEL, E., 2015. An improvement of photocatalytic activity of TiO 2 Degussa P25 powder. Applied Catalysis A: General 500, pp. 40-50.
- BONK, S. M., STUBBE, M., BÜHLER, S., TAUTORAT, C., LITWINSKI, C., BAUMANN W., KLINKENBERG, E.-D.and GIMSA J., 2015. Design and characterization of pH, oxygen and adhesion sensors as well as electro-thermal micro-pumps (ETµPs) for glass chips in sensorized cell-culture systems. Biosensors, 5, pp. 513-536. DOI: 10.3390/bios5030513.
- BONK, S.M., OLDORF, P., PETERS, R., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2015. Fast prototyping of sensorized cell culture chips and microfluidic systems with ultrashort laser pulses. Micromachines , 6, pp. 364-374. DOI: 10.3390/mi6030364.
KUNZ, F., REBL, H., QUADE, A., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., FINKE, B. and NEBE, J.B., 2015. Osteoblasts with impaired spreading capacity benefit from the positive charges of plasma polymerized allylamine. European Cells and Materials, 29, pp. 177-189.
- NISSEN, M., SHCHERBAKOV, D., and HEYER, A., 2015. Behaviour of the plathelminth symsagittifera roscoffensis under different light conditions and the consequences on the symbiotic algae tetraselmis convolutae. The Journal of Experimental Biology. S. jeb.110429. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.110429.
SCHMIDT, C., WAGNER, S., BURGER, M., VAN RIENEN, U. and WOLTERS, C. H., 2015. Impact of uncertain head tissue conductivity in the optimization of trancranial direct current stimulation for an auditory target. Journal of Neural Engineering, 12 (4), art. No. 046028, DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/12/4/046028.
- SCHMIDT, C., ZIMMERMANN, U. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. Modeling of an optimized electro-stimulative hip revision system under consideration of uncertainty in the conductivity of bone tissue. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19 (4), pp. 1321 - 1330. DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2015.2423705.
- STAEHLKE, S., KOERTGE, A. and NEBE, JB., 2015. Intracellular calcium dynamics dependent on defined micro-topographical features of titanium. Biomaterials 46. pp. 48-57. DOI:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.12.016.
- STUBBE, M., NISSEN, M., SCHROEDER, J. and GIMSA, J., 2015. The effect of hyperbaric air on the electric activity of neuronal in vitro networks. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 73, pp. 153-159. DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2015.05.052.
- STUBBE, M., and GIMSA, J., 2015. Maxwell’s mixing equation revisited: Characteristic impedance equations for ellipsoidal cells. Biophysical Journal, 109 (2), pp. 194-208. DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2015.06.021.
- BIRKHOLZ, H. and ENGEL, K., 2014. Partition into almost straight trails. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 163, pp.127–135.
- BITTIG, A.T., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., NEB,E J.B., STAEHLKE, S. and UHRMACHER, A.M., 2014. Membrane related dynamics and the formation of actin in cells growing on micro-topographies: a spatial computational model. BMC Systems Biology, 8, (106), pp.1-35.
- BRIETZKE, A., GOLDAMMER, T., REBL, H., KORYTAR, T., KOELLNER, T., YANG, W., REBL, A. and SEYFERT, H-M., 2014. Characterization of the interleukin 1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4)-encoding gene in salmonid fish: The functional copy is rearranged in oncorhynchus mykiss and that factor can impair TLR signaling in mammalian cells. Fish Shellfish Immunology, 36 (1), pp. 206-14.
- ENGEL, K. and HANISCH, S., 2014. Reconstruction of cell-electrode-adjacencies on multielectrode arrays. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 37 (3), pp. 583-591. DOI: 10.1007/s10827-014-0524-6.
- FINKE, B., REBL, H., HEMPEL, F., SCHAEFER, J., LIEFHEIT, K., WELTMANN, K-D. and NEBE, J.B., 2014. Aging of plasma-polymerized allylamine nanofilms and the maintenance of their cell adhesion capacity. Langmuir, 30, pp. 13914−13924. DOI: 10.1021/la5019778.
- FINKE, B., TESTRICH, H., REBL, H., NEBE, B.J., BADER, R., WALSCHUS, U., SCHLOSSER, M., WELTMANN, K-D. and MEICHSNER, J., 2014. Anti-adhesive finishing of temporary implant surfaces by a plasma-fluorine-polymer. Material Science Forum, 783-786, pp 1238-1243. DOI: 10.4028/
- GIMSA, J., STUBBE, M. and GIMSA, U., 2014. A short tutorial contribution to impedance and AC-electokinetic characterization and manipilation of cells and media: Are electric methods more versatile than acoustic and laser methods? Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance, 5, pp. 74-91. DOI:10.5617/jeb.557.
- GONGADZE, E., VAN RIENEN, U., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V. and IGLIČ, A., 2014. Spatial variation of permittivity of an electrolyte solution in contact with a charged metal surface: a mini review, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 17 (3), pp. 296-296. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2012.678684 (ein Corrigendum).
- GRUNERT, P.C., JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., SU, Y., SOUFFRANT, R., HANSMANN, D., EWALD, H., KRUEGER, A., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2014. Establishment of a novel in vitro test setup for electric and magnetic stimulation of human osteoblasts. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 70(2), pp. 805-17. DOI: 10.1007/s12013-014-9984-6.
- HOENTSCH, M., BUSSIAHN, R., REBL, H., BERGEMANN, C., FRANK, M., EGGERT, M., VON WOEDTKE, T.H. and NEBE, J.B. 2014. Persistent effectivity of physical plasma-treated, long time-stored liquid on epithelial cell adhesion capacity and membrane morphology. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e 104559. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0104559.
- JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., KASCH, C., OSTERBERG, A., GRANITZKA, T., LINDNER, T., HAENLE, M., BADER, R. and SKRIPITZ, R., 2014. Gene expression analysis of metabolic markers during bone regeneration in a rat model. Osteologie, 23 (3), pp. 207-11.
- NEBE, J.B., FINKE, B., KOERTGE, A., REBL, H. and STAEHLKE, S., 2014. Geometrical micropillars combined with chemical surface modifications – Independency of actin filament Spatial distribution in primary osteoblasts. Material Science Forum, 783-786, pp.1320-1325.
- PETERSEN, S., ZIMMERMANN, U., SCHMIDT, C., SCHWABE, L., WARKENTIN, M. and TEIPEL, S., 2014. Linking a neural mass model with a 3D Model of the human brain to reproduce EEG signals. Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, 59 (3), pp. 231-40. DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-0062.
- QUAN, Y., DRESCHER, P., ZHANG, F., BURKEL, E. and SEITZ, H., 2014, Cellular Ti6Al4V with carbon nanotube-like structures fabricated by selective electron beam melting, Rapid Prototyping Journal 20(6), pp. 541-550.
- REBL, A., REBL, H., KORYTAR, T., GOLDAMMER, D. and SEYFERT, H-M., 2014. The proximal promoter of a novel interleukin-8-encoding gene in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is strongly induced by CEBPA, but not NF-κB p65. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 46, (2), pp. 155–164.
RUTHER, C., GABLER, C., ELLENRIEDER, M., HAENLE, M., LINDNER, T., EWALD, H., MITTELMEIER, W., BADER, R. and KLUESS, D., 2014. In vivo monitoring of implant osseointegration in a rabbit model using acoustic sound analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32 (4), pp. 606-612. DOI: 10.1002/jor.22574.
- SCHNABELRAUCH, M., WYRWA, R., REBL, H., BERGEMANN, C., FINKE, B., SCHLOSSER, M., WALSCHUS, U., LUCKE, S., WELTMANN, K-D. and NEBE, J.B, 2014. Surface-coated polylactide fiber meshes as tissue engineering matrices with enhanced cell integration properties. International Political Science Review. DOI: 10.1155/2014/439784.
- SCHNABELRAUCH, M., WYRWA, R., REBL, H., BERGEMANN, C., FINKE, B., SCHLOSSER, M., WALSCHUS, U., LUCKE, S., WELTMANN, K-D. and NEBE, J.B, 2014. Plasma-activated electrospun polylactide fiber meshes as matrices for tissue engineering. Material Science Forum 783-786, pp. 1337-1342. DOI: 10.4028/
- SU, Y., SOUFFRANT, R., KLUESS, D., ELLENRIEDER, M., MITTELMEIER, W., van RIENEN, U., BADER, R., 2014. Evaluation of electric field distribution in electromagnetic stimulation of human femoral heads. Bioelectromagnetics, 35(8), pp. 547-58.
- WITTE, K., BODNAR, W., SCHELL, N., LANG, H. and BURKEL, E., 2014. High-energy X-ray diffraction study of a dental ceramics-titanium functional gradient material prepared by field assisted sintering technique. Materials Characterization, 95, pp. 266-271. DOI:10.1016/j.matchar.2014.06.018.
- ZIMMERMANN, U. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. An Automatic Pareto Classifier for the Multiobjective optimization of an electrostimulative acetabular revision system. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50 (2). DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2282993.
- GONGADZE, E., VAN RIENEN, U., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V. and IGLIČ, A., 2013. Spatial variation of permittivity of an electrolyte solution in contact with a charged metal surface: a mini review. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 16 (5), pp. 463-480. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2011.624769.
- HOENE, A., PATRYK, M., WALLSCHUS, U., STRANAK, V., HIPPLER, R., TESTRICH, H., MEICHSNER, J., FINKE, B., REBL, H., NEBE, B., ZIETZ, C., PODBIELSKI, A. and SCHLOSSER M., 2013. In-vivo examination of the local inflammatory response after implantationof Ti6Al4V samples with a combined low-temperature plasma treatment using pulsed magnetron sputtering of copper and plasma Polymerized ethylene diamine. Journal of Material Science: Materials in Medicine, 24 (3), pp. 761-71. DOI: 10.1007/s10856-012-4839-4.
- JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., WIEDING, J., SCHULZE, C., HANSMAN, D. and BADER, R. 2013. Comparative analysis of the oxygen supply and viability of human osteoblasts in three-dimensional titanium scaffolds produced by laser-beam or electron-beam melting. Materials, 6 (11), pp. 5398-5409. DOI:10.3390/ma6115398.
- KOERTGE, A., ELTER, P., LANGE, R. and BECK, U., 2013. Simulation of the electric field distribution near a topographically nanostructured titanium-electrolyte interface: Influence of the passivation layer. Journal of Nanomaterials. Article ID 820914. DOI:10.1155/2013/820914.
- KOERTGE, A., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BIRKHOLZ, M., FRASCHKE, M., SCHULZ, K., NEBE, B. and ELTER, P., 2013. Alignment of MG-63 osteoblasts on fibronectin-coated phosphorous doping lattices in silicon. International Journal of Chemical, Materials Science and Engineering, 7 (1), pp. 62-65.
- MARKHOFF, J., JONITZ, A., ZIETZ, C., LOCHNER, K., HANSMAN, D. and BADER, R., 2013. Establishment of a novel in vitro test setup exposing adherent cells to wear particles made of polyethylene. Polymer Testing, 32 (5), pp. 982–986.
- MICK, E., MARKHOFF, A., MITROVIC, A., JONITZ, A. and BADER, R., 2013. New coating technique of ceramic implants with different glass solder matrices for improved osseointegration-mechanical investigations. Materials, 6 (9), pp. 4001-4010. DOI:10.3390/ma6094001.
- PAU, H.-W., GRUENBAUM, A., EHRT, K., DAHL, R., JUST, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. Would an endosteal CI-electrode make sense? Comparison of the auditory nerve excitability from different stimulation sites using ESRT measurements and mathematical models. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Springer-Verlag, DOI: 10.1007/s00405-013-2543-8.
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- QUAN, Y.J., ZHANG, F.M., REBL, H., NEBE, B., KESSLER, O. and BURKEL, E., 2013. Ti6Al4V foams fabricated by spark plasma sintering with post-heat treatment. Materials Science and Engineering, 565, pp. 118-125.
- RUTHER, C., NIERATH, H., EWALD, H., CUNNINGHAM, J.L., MITTELMEIER, W., BADER, R. and KLUESS, D., 2013. Investigation of an acoustic-mechanical method to detect implant loosening. Medical Engineering & Physics, 35 (11), pp. 1669-1675.
- RUTHER, C., SCHULZE, C., BOEHME, A., NIERATH, H., EWALD, H., MITTELMEIER, W., BADER, R. and KLUESS, D., 2013. Investigation of a passive sensor array for diagnosis of loosening of endoprosthetic implants. Sensors, 13 (1), pp. 1-20.
- SALAMON, A., JONITZ, A., ADAM, S., RYCHLY, J., MUELLER-HILKE, B., BADER, R., LOCHNER, K. and PETERS, K., 2013. Articular cartilage-derived cells hold a strong osteogenic differentiation potential in comparison to mesenchymal stem cells in-vitro. Experimental Cell Research, 319 (18), pp. 2856-65. DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2013.09.008.
- SCHMIDT, C., GRANT, P., LOWERY, M. and van RIENEN, U., 2013. Influence of uncertainties in the material properties of brain tissue on the probabilistic volume of tissue activated. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions, 60 (5), pp. 1378-1387. DOI:10.1109/TBME.2012.2235835. (Cover Issue: IEEE Transaction on BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, May 13, V 60).
- SCHULZE, C., LOCHNER, K., JONITZ, A., LENZ, R., DUTTEMANN, O., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2013. Cell viability, collagen synthesis and cytokine expression in human osteoblasts following incubation with generated wear particles using different bone cements. International Journal of Molecular Medizin, 32 (1), pp. 227-224. DOI: 10.3892/ijmm.2013.1383.
- STAEHLKE, S., KUNZ, F., LOEFFLER, R., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., Fleischer, M., KERN, D. P. and NEBE J. B., 2013. Regulation of T-type calcium channels in osteoblasts on micro-structured surface topography. Advanced Materials Research, 647, pp. 476-481. DOI: 10.4028/
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- TESTRICH, H., REBL, H., FINKE, B., HEMPEL, F., NEBE, B. and MEICHSNER, J., 2013. Aging effects of plasma polymerized ethylenediamine (PPEDA) thin films on cell-adhesive implant coatings. Materials Science and Engineering, C 33, pp. 3875-3880. DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2013.05.024.
- BIRKHOLZ, H., 2012. Extracting the ridge set as a graph for actin filament length estimation from confocal laser scanning microscopic images. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 21 (2), 021110. DOI:10.1117/1.JEI.21.2.021110.
- ELTER, P., WEIHE, T., BÜHLER, S., GIMSA, J. and BECK, U., 2012. Low fibronectin concentration overcompensates for reduced initial fibroblasts adhesion to a nanoscale topography: Single-cell force spectroscopy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2012.02.026.
- FINKE, B., POLAK, M., HEMPEL, F., REBL, H., ZIETZ, C., STRANAK, V., LUKOWSKI, G., HIPPLER, R., BADER, R., NEBE, BJ. and SHRÖDER, K., 2012. Antimicrobial potential of titanium surfaces generated by Cu-PIII and dual HIPIMS. Advanced Engineering Materials. 14 (5), pp. 224-230. DOI: 10.1002/adem.201180054.
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- HABA, Y., LINDNER, T., FRITSCHE, A., SCHIEBENHOEFFER, A-K., SOUFFRANT, R., KLUESS, D., SKRIPITZ, R., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2012. Relationship between mechanical properties and bone mineral density of human femoral bone retrieved from patients with osteoarthritis. The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 6, pp. 375-380.
- HERRMANN, S., KAEHLER, M., SOUFFRANT, R., RACHHOLZ, R., ZIERATH, J., KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W., WOERNLE, C. and BADER, R., 2012. HiL simulation in biomechanics: a new approach for testing total joint replacements. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 105 (2), pp. 109-19.
- JONITZ, A., LOCHNER, K., TISCHE, T., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2012. TGF-β1 and IGF-1 influence the re-differentiation capacity of human chondrocytes in 3D pellet cultures in relation to different oxygen concentrations. International Journal of Molecular Medizin, 30 (4), pp. 666-672.
- KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2012. Mit Explantaten in der Orthopädischen Chirurgie richtig umgehen. Orthopädische Praxis, 1 (2), pp. 48-52.
- KUNZ, F., QUADE, A., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., BIRKHOLZ, H., REBL, H., STEFFEN, J., NEBE, JB., 2012. Actin cytoskeleton mediated cell response of osteoblasts to plasma amino functionalised titanium surfaces. Poster, 4th International Symposium Interface Biology of Implants, p.49.
- LANGE, R., LÖFFLER, R., STÄHLKE, S., ELTER, P., KÖRTGE, A., NEBE; JB., KER, D., BECK, U., 2012. Electrochemical and scanning electron microscopic characterization of biomaterial surfaces with regular geometry dry etched in Titanium. ISBN: 978-3-00-038220-8, 4th International Symposium Interface Biology of Implants, p.51.
- LOEFFLER, R., FLEISCHER, M., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., NEBE, J.B., KERN, D.P., 2012. Pyramid array substrates for biomedical studies. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B 30. DOI: 10.1116/1.4757109.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., BIRKHOLZ, H., LANGE, R., BECK, U., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2012. Automatic actin filament quantification of osteoblasts and their morphometric analysis on microtextured silicon-titanium arrays. Materials, 5, pp. 1176-1195. DOI:10.3390/ma50711762012.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STÄHLKE, S., BIRKHOLZ, H., LÖFFLER, R., KERN, D., ENGEL, K., NEBE, B., 2012. Quantitative analysis of the cellular actin cytoskeleton on geometrically designed surface topography. Materials Science Forum, 706-709, pp. 543-548.
- NEBE, J.B., CORNELSEN, M., QUADE, A., WEISSMANN, V., KUNZ, F., OFE, S., SCHRÖDER, K., FINKE, B., SEITZ, H. and BERGEMANN, C., 2012. Osteoblast behavior in vitro in porous calcium phosphate composite scaffolds, surface activated with a cell adhesive plasma polymer layer. Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications, pp. 566-571. DOI:10.4028/
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., LANGE, R., WELTMANN, K. D. and NEBE, J. B., 2012. Impact of plasma chemistry versus titanium surface topography on osteoblast orientation. Acta Biomater, 8, pp. 3840-3851. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2012.06.015.
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- SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2012. Modelling the Field Distribution in Deep Brain Stimulation: The Influence of anisotropy of brain tissue. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. DOI:10.1109/TBME.2012.2189885
- SOUFFRANT, R., ZIETZ, C., FRITSCHE, A., KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2012. Advanced material modeling in numerical simulation of primary acetabular press-fit cup stability. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomededical Engineering, 15 (8), pp. 787-793. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2011.56101.
- STRAUSS, T., WUSTLICH, W. and LABAHN, R., 2012. Design strategies for weight matrices of echo state networks. Neural Computation, 24, pp. 3246-3276.
- WIEDING, J., JONITZ, A. and BADER, R., 2012. The effect of structural design on mechanical properties and cellular response of additive manufactured titanium scaffolds. Materials, 5, pp. 1336-1347.
- WIEDING, J., SOUFFRANT, R., FRITSCHE, A., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2012. Finite element analysis of osteosynthesis screw fixation in the bone stock: an appropriate method for automatic screw modelling. PLoS One, 7 (3). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033776.
- WIEDING, J., SOUFFRANT, R., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2012. Finite element analysis on the biomechanical stability of open porous titanium scaffolds for large segmental bone defects under physiological load conditions, Medical Engineering and Physics, 35 (4), pp. 422-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2012.06.006.
- WITTE, K., PORATH, K. and BURKEL, E., 2012. Magnetic nanoparticles and their potential for contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Spintronics and Magnetic Nanomaterials, 1, pp. 40-46 (7). DOI: 10.1166/jsm.2012.100.
- ZHANG, F., AHMED, F., HOLZHUTER, G. and BURKEL, E., 2012. Growth of diamond from fullerene C60 by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Crystal Growth, 340 (1), pp. 1-5.
- BIRKHOLZ, H., 2011. A unifying approach to isotropic and anisotropic total variation denoising models. Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics, 235 (8), pp. 2502 - 2514.
- BERGEMANN, C., QUADE, A., KUNZ, F., OFE, S., KLINKENBERG, E.-D., LAUE, M., SCHROEDER, K., WEISSMANN, V., HANSMANN, H., WELTMANN, K.-D. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Ammonia plasma functionalized polycarbonate surfaces improve cell migration inside an artificial 3D cell culture module. Plasma Processes and Polymers, pp. 261-272. DOI:10.1002/ppap.201100059.
- BUEHLER, S.M., STUBBE, M., GIMSA, U., BAUMANN, B. and GIMSA, J., 2011. A decrease of intracellular ATP is compensated by increased respiration and acidification at sub-lethal parathion concentrations in murine embryonic neuronal cells: Measurements in metabolic cell-culture chips. Toxicology Letters, 207, pp. 182-190.
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- ENGEL, K. and KIESEL, A., 2011. Approximated matrix decomposition for IMRT planning with multileaf collimators, OR Spectrum, 33 (1), pp. 149-172.
- FINKE, B., HEMPEL, F., TESTRICH, H., ARTEMENKO, A., REBL, H., KYLIAN, O., MEICHSNER, J., BIEDERMANN, H., NEBE, J. B., WELTMANN, K-D. and SCHRÖDER, K., 2011. Plasma processes for cell-adhesive titanium surfaces based on nitrogen-containing coatings. Surface and Coating Technology, 205 (2), pp. 520-524.
- FRIEDMANN, A., CISMAK, A., TAUTORAT, C., KÖSTER, P. J., BAUMANN, W., HELD, J., GASPAR, J., RUTHER, P., PAUL, O. and HEILMANN, A., 2011. FIB preparation and SEM investigations for three-dimensional analysis of cell cultures on microneedle arrays. SCANNING: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 33, pp. 1-9.
- GONGADZE, E., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Derivation of Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann equation for point-like ions using functional density theory. Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review, 78 (1), pp. 1-4.
- GONGADZE, E., VAN RIENEN, U., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann equation: point-like ions and water dipoles near a charged membrane surface. General Physiology and Biophysics, 30 (2), pp.130-137. DOI: 10.4149/gpb_2011_02_130.
- GONGADZE, E., KABASO, D., BAUER, S., SLIVNIK, T., SCHMUKI, P., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Adhesion of osteoblasts to a nanorough implant titanium surface. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 6, pp. 1801–1816. DOI:10.2147/IJN.S21755.
- GONGADZE, E., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Generalized Stern models of the electric double layer considering the spatial variation of permittivity and finite size of ions in saturation regime, Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, pp. 576-594. DOI: 10.2478/s11658-011-0024-x.
- HERRMANN, S., KÄHLER, M., SOUFFRANT, R., RACHHOLZ, R., ZIERATH, J., KLÜSS, D., MITTELMEIER, W., WOERNLE, C. and BADER, R., 2011. HiL simulation in biomechanics: A new approach for testing total joint replacements. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 105, pp.109-119.
- KABASO, D., GONGADZE, E., ELTER, P., VAN RIENEN, U., GIMSA, J., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Attachment of rod-like (BAR) proteins and membrane shape. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 11 (4), pp. 272-282.
- KABASO, D., GONGADZE, E., PERUTKOVÀ, Š., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., BECK U., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between osteoblasts and titanium surface. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 14 (5), pp. 469-482.
- KABASO, D., GONGADZE, E., JORGAČEVSKI, J., VAN RIENEN, U., ZOREC, R. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Exploring the binding dynamics of BAR proteins. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 16, pp. 398-411. DOI: 10.2478/s11658-011-0013-0.
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- SOUFFRANT, R., ZIETZ, C., FRITSCHE, A., KLÜSS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2011. Advanced material modelling in numerical simulation of primary acetabular press-fit cup stability. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1-7. DOI:10.1080/10255842.2011.561012.
- STRANAK, V., WULLF, H., REBL, H., ZIESTE, C., ARNDT, K., BOGANOWZIC, R., NEBE, J.B., BADER, R., PODBIELSKIE, A., HUBICKA, Z. and HIPPLER, R., 2011. Deposition of thin titanium-copper films with antimicrobial effect by advanced magnetron sputtering methods. Material Science and Engineering, C 31, pp. 1512–1519.
- WYRWA, R., FINKE, B., REBL, H., MISCHNER, N., QUAAS, M., SCHÄFER, J., BERGEMANN, C., NEBE, J.B., SCHRÖDER, K., WELTMANN, K-D. and SCHNABELRAUCH, M., 2011. Design of plasma surface-activated, electrospun polylactide non-wovens with improved cell acceptance. Advanced Engineering Materials, 13 (5), pp. 165-171. DOI:10.1002/adem.201080116.
- ZHANG, F., OTTERSTEIN, E., and BURKEL, E., 2011. Processing of porous Ti and Ti5Mn Foams by Spark Plasma sintering. Materials and Design, 32 (1), pp. 146-153.
- ZHANG, F., ADAM, M., OTTERSTEIN, E. and BURKEL, E., 2011. Pulsed Electric field induced diamond synthesis from carbon nanotubes with solvent catalysts. Diamond and Related Materials, 20 (5-6), pp. 853–858.
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- BOHINC, K., GONGADZE, E., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2010. Metal surface in contact with electrolyte solution - Influence of spatial variation of dielectric constant. Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review, 77 (2-3), pp. 121-130.
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- GALEK, T., PORATH, K., BURKEL, E., and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Extraction of effective permittivity and permeability of metallic powders in the microwave range. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 18, (2), Article ID: 025015. DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/18/2/025015.
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- HABA, Y., SCHIEBENHÖFER, A. K., KRÖGER, W., EWALD, H., SOUFFRANT, R., KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2010. Determination of electrical and mechanical material parameters on the human femoral head, Biomedizinische Technik/ Biomedical Engineering, 55 (s1). pp. 182-185, DOI: 10.1515/bmt.2010.712.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E. and BOHINC, K., 2010. Excluded volume effect and orientational ordering near charged surface in solution of ions and Langevin dipoles. Bioelectrochemistry, 79 (2), pp. 223-227.
- KLIEWE, C., SOUFFRANT, R., KLÜSS, D., WOERNLE, C., BRÖKEL, K. and BADER, R., 2010. Analytical computational model for the determination of the influence of design and surgical factors on the range of motion of total hip replacements. Biomedical Technology, 55 (1), pp. 47–55.
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- KÖSTER, P., BÜHLER, S.M., STUBBE, M., TAUTORAT, C., NIENDORF, M., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J. 2010. Modular glass chip system measuring the electric activity and adhesion of neuronal cells - application and drug testing with sodium valproic acid. Lab on a Chip, 10, pp. 1579-1586. DOI: 10.1039/b923687b.
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- LANGE, R., ELTER, P., BIALA, K., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STÄHLKE, S., LÖFFLER, R., FLEISCHER, M., NEBE, J.B., KERN, D. and BECK, U., 2010. Titanium surfaces structured with regular geometry-material investigations and cell morphology. Surface and Interface Analysis, 42 (6), pp. 497-501. DOI10.1002/sia.3320.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STÄHLKE, S., LÖFFLER, R., LANGE, R., CHAI, F., KERN, D., BECK, U. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell architecture-cell function dependencies on titanium arrays with regular geometry. Biomaterials, 31(22), pp. 5729-5740.
- NEBE, J. B., JESSWEIN, H., WEIDEMANN, A., FINKE, B., LANGE, R., BECK, U., STÄHLKE, S. and SCHRÖDER, K., 2010. Osteoblast's sensitivity to topographical and chemical features of titanium. Material Science Forum, 638-642, pp. 652-657.
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- REBL, H., FINKE, B., RYCHLY, J., SCHRÖDER, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Positively charged material surfaces generated by plasma polymerized allylamine enhance vinculin mobility in vital human osteoblasts. Advanced Biomateriales, 12, pp. 356-364. DOI:10.1002/adbi.200900070.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., SCHRÖDER, K. and NEBE, B.J., 2010. Time-dependent metabolic activity and adhesion of human osteoblast-like cells on sensor chips with a plasma polymer nanolayer. International Journal of Artificial Organs, 33, pp. 738-748.
- SCHMITT, O. and BIRKHOLZ, H., 2010. A hybrid approach to quantify lamination of the cerebral cortex. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 11(5), pp. 363–370.
- STUBBE, M. and GIMSA, J., 2010. A short review on AC electro-thermal micropumps based on smeared structural polarizations in the presence of a temperature gradient. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 376, pp. 97-101. DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2010.09.013.
- SCHRÖDER, K., FINKE, B., LÜTHGEN, F., JESSWEIN, H., IHRKE, R., OHL, A., WELTMANN, K.-D., DIENER, A., RYCHLY, J. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Similarities between plasma amino functionalized PEEK and titanium surfaces concerning enhancement of osteoblast cell adhesion. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24, pp. 905–923.
- ZHANG, F., OTTERSTEIN E., BURKEL, E., 2010. Spark plasma sintering, microstructures and mechanical properties of macroporous titanium foams. Advanced Engineering Materials, 12 (9), pp. 863-872. DOI: 10.1002/adem.201000106.
- ZHANG, F., WEIDMANN, A., NEBE, J. B., BECK, U., BURKEL, E., 2010. Preparation, Microstructures, mechanical properties and cytocompatibility of TiMn Alloys for Biomedical Applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 94 (2), pp. 406-413.
Special Session at Biomedical Engineering 2010
- VAN RIENEN, U., APPALI, R., BADER, R., BAUMANN, W., BECK, U., BEHREND, D., BENECKE, R., BIALA, K., BIRKHOLZ, H., BURKEL, E., ENGEL, G., GIMSA, J., GIMSA, U., GONGADZE, E., GRÜNBAUM, A., HABA, Y., LIESE, F., LIU, B., LÜDER, M., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C. and MITTELMEIER, W., MIX, E., NEBE, J.B., NOWAK, K.A., PAHNKE, J., PAU, H.W., PAULEWEIT, S., PETERSEN, S., POLNICK, S., REIMER, T., ROTT, G., SALOMON, R., VINTER, E., WEIHE, T., and WOLKENHAUER, O., 2010. Analysis and Simulation of Electrical Interactions of Implants with Biosystems, Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 167–170. ISSN (Online) 1862 -278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585. DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.543.
- APPALI, R., PETERSEN, S., GIMSA, J. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Thermodynamic Theory of Nerve Signal Propagation and First Simulation of Soliton Model. Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 186–189. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585, DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.548.
- BIALA, K., LANGE, R., STÄHLKE, S., NEBE, JB., und BECK, U., 2010. Physical and electrochemical characterisation of regular microstructred titanium and their influence on cell morphology. Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 169. DOI:10.1515/bmt.2010.712.
- WEIHE, T., BONK, S., and GIMSA, J., 2010. Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy for the determination of initial adhesion of cells to different surfaces, Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 175-179. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585. DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.545.
- ROTT, G.A., ZHANG, F., HABA, Y. and BURKEL, E., 2010. Dielectric roerties of porous calcium titanate. Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp.179-182. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585. DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.546.
- HABA, Y., SCHIEBENHOEFER, A.-K., KROEGER, W., EWALD, H., SOUFFRANT, R., KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2010. Determination of electrical and mechanical material parameters on the human femoral head, Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp.182-186. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585. DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.547
- GONGADZE, E., PETERSEN, S., IGLIC, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Electrical Double Layer and Structured Titanium Implants, Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 171-174. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585. DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.544.
- REIMER, T., BAUMANN, W., KOESTER, P.J. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Gap Junction-vermittelte Signaltransmission in kortikalen neuronalen Netzwerken kultiviert auf Neurochips. Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 33.
- BIRKHOLZ, H., LABAHN, R., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J. B., 2010. Automatische Auswertung von Aktinfilament-Strukturen in konfokal-mikroskopischen Bildern. Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1). ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585. DOI:10.1515/BMT.2010.553.
- GRÜNBAUM, A., VAN Rienen, U. und PAU, HW., 2010. Ein 3D-CAD-Model of the Human Cochlea for Electromagnetic Studies. Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 231-233. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-558. DOI:10.1515/BMT.2010.653.
- RHINOW, G., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Small Influence of the brain anisotropy on the potential at the scalp, Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 216-218. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585. DOI:10.1515/BMT.2010.649.
- VINTER, E., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Influence of the anisotropic conductivity of the brain tissue on the electricfield distribution around electrodes for deep brain stimulation. Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 234-237, 2010, ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585, DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.654.
- BONK, S.M., and LISDAT, F., 2009. Layer-by-layer assembly of electro-active gold nanoparticle/cytochromeC multilayers. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25, pp. 739–744. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2009.08.017.
- DUWENSEE, H., MIX, M., STUBBE, M., GIMSA, J., ADLER, M. and FLECHSIG, G-U., 2009. Electrochemical product detection of an asymmetric convective polymerase chain reaction. Biosensensors and Bioelectronics, 25 (2), pp. 400-405. DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2009.07.025.
- HOLTAPPELS, M., STUBBE, M. and GIMSA, J., 2009. AC-field-induced fluid pumping in microsystems with asymmetric temperature gradients. Physical Review E, 79 (2), pp. 026309. DOI:0.1103/PhysRevE.79.026309.
- KIESEL, A., 2009. A function approximation approach to the segmentation step in IMRT planning, OR Spectrum, 34 (1), pp. 181-198. DOI:10.1007/s00291-009-0187-2.
- KLUESS, D., SOUFFRANT, R., MITTELMEIER, W., WREE, A., SCHMITZ, K.-P. and BADER, R., 2009. A convenient approach for finite-element-analyses of orthopaedic implants in bone contact: modeling and experimental validation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 95 (1), pp. 23–30.
- ZHANG, F., and BURKEL, E., 2009. Preparation of tricalcuim phosphate magnesium nanocomposites for load bearing bone regeneration applications. Biomaterialien, 10 (1), pp.130.
- ZHANG, F., WEIDMANN, A., NEBE, J.B. and BURKEL, E., 2009. Effect of Manganese on the in vitro biomedical properties of titanium alloy. Biomaterialien, 10 (1), pp. 129.
- ZHANG, F., WEIDMANN, A., NEBE, J. B. and BURKEL, E., 2009. Preparation of TiMn alloy by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering for biomedical applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 144 (1), pp. 012007. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/144/1/012007
- KLUESS, D., ZIETZ, C., LINDNER, T., MITTELMEIER, W., SCHMITZ, K.-P. and BADER, R., 2008. Limited range of motion of hip resurfacing arthroplasty due to unfavorable ratio of prosthetic head size and femoral neck diameter. Acta Orthopaedica, 79 (6), pp. 748-754.
Reviewed conference papers
- STRUWE, K., 2017. APT: Enhanced Speech Comprehension Through Adaptive Pitch Transposition in Cochlear Implants. eHealth 360°, 181, pp. 224-228. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49655-9_30.
- ZIEBART, J., SIYUAN, F., KÄMMERER, P. W., BADER, R. ,JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., 2017. Einfluss von Mikrobewegungen auf das Proliferations- und Differenzierungsverhalten humaner Osteoblasten. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bewegung, 10. Jahrestagung, Hannover, Germany, March 29.-31.
ZIEBART, J., DAUBEN, T. J., BENDER, T., KROGULL, M., JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., KREIKEMEYER, B., BADER, R., 2017. Voltage-dependent Effects on human Osteoblasts stimulated with Alternating Current. Orthopaedic Research Society, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, March 19.-22.
- BENDER, T., SASS, M., BADER, R. and KLUESS, D., 2016. Employing principal component analysis and support vector machines to classify different levels of loosening of a total hip stem. ORS (Orthopaedic Research Society) Orlando, USA.
- BENDER, T., SASS, M., BADER, R., KLUESS, D., SPORS, S., 2016. Körperschallanalyse zur Klassifizierung einer Lockerung in Hüftendoprothesen. 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik. Aachen, Germany.
- GALOW, A. and GIMSA, J., 2016. Improving osteoblast cell culture: alkaline pH promotes proliferation and differentiation. 8th Kirkstall Conference, Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3770.3287.
GALOW, A., WYSOTZKI, P., OLDORF, P. and GIMSA, J., 2016. Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects by alkalizing the peri-implant zone – an in vitro approach. 15th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society of Fracture Repair, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5081.0481.
- MAUCK, J., KEBBACH, M., SCHULZE, C., BADER, R., KLUESS, D, 2016. The method of considering the bone mineral density distribution in the Finite-Element-Analysis affects the simulation result: An (overdue) sensitivity analysis. International society for technology in arthroplasty (ISTA).Orthopaedic Proceedings, 98-B (9) pp. 26.
- MOERKE, C., REBL, H., STAEHLKE, S. and NEBE, J.B., 2016. Attempted Phagocytosis of Titanium Surface Micro-Structures by Osteoblasts. Euro Bio-Inspired Materials, Potsdam, Germany.
- MOERKE, C., STAEHLKE, S. and NEBE, J.B., 2016, Micro-topographical surface features interfere with osteoblast cell signaling. World Biomaterial Congress, Montreal (Canada). DOI: 10.3389/conf.FBIOE.2016.01.02564.
STAEHLKE, S., MOERKE, C., NEBE, J.B., 2016. Recording of basal calcium levels in cells on geometric structures. 25th Conference on Biomaterials in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine of the Polish Society for Biomaterials (PSBM), Rytro, Poland. ENGINEERING OF BIOMATERIALS 138.
- TRUONG, D.T. and BAHLS, C.R. and NEBE, B. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2016. An Implementation for the Simulation of Cells on Micro-Post Arrays. 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, Aug. 16-20, 2016.
TRUONG, D.T. and BAHLS, C.R. and NEBE, B. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2016. The cell contractility model and the cell adhesion model: Reducing the complexity and preparing the coupling to electrical forces. 11th International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, St. Wolfgang, Austria, October 3-7, 2016.
- ZAATREH, S., HAFFNER, D.,PASOLD, J., KREIKEMEYER ,B., MITTELMEIER, W., PODBIELSKI, A., BADER,R. 2015. In-vitro analysis of the antimicrobial properties of magnesium-coated titanium implants. Track A. Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 1. Biomedizinische Technik, 60 (1), S1–30.
- ZIEBART, J., DAUBEN, T., J., JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., KREIKEMEYER, B. and BADER, R., 2016. In-vitro Untersuchung zur elektrischen Stimulation primärer humaner Osteoblasten. (abstract), Osteologie 2016, Essen, Germany, March 03.-05.
- APPALI, R. SRIPERUMBUDUR, K. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. 3D axonal network coupled to microelectrode arrays: A simulation model to study neuronal dynamics. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy, pp. 4700 - 4704, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319443.
- BENDER, T., SASS, M., WOLF, A., MITTELMEIER, W., BADER, R. and KLUESS, D., 2015. Finite element analysis into eigenfrequencies and attenuation of a total hip stem with different levels of loosening. 9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik. Bonn, Germany.
- BENDER, T., SASS, M., BADER, R. and KLUESS, D., 2015. SMART-HIP - Entwicklung und Auslegung eines Sensorsystems für die Messung der Verankerung von Implantaten. 12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium. Dresden, Germany.
- BOEHME, A., SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U. 2015. Partial anisotropy in an anatomically realistic volume conductor model of deep brain stimulation in the hemiparkinsonian rat. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy.
- DELENDA, B., BADER, R. and , VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. Simulation of bone cells proliferation and migration on rough implant surfaces. Joint ISCA-Inspire workshop on Electrically Active Materials of Medical Devices (EAMMD), Limerick, Ireland.
- DELENDA, B., BADER, R. and , VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. Modeling and simulation of platelet reaction and diffusion towards an electro-stimulating dental implant. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy. pp. 2584 - 2587, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7318920.
- EBNER, C., ZIMMERMANN, U., SU, Y., VAN RIENEN, U., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R. 2015. Electrical stimulation of osseointegration of an uncemented total hip stem. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, TrackP: S1162.
- HELLER, J., FLISGEN, T., SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. Uncertainty quantification for complex RF-Structures using the state-space concatenation approach. 36th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Prague, CZ, pp. 327 - 378.
- HIEMER, B., ZIEBART, J., JONITZ-HEINCKE, J., GRUNERT, P. C., SU, Y., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2015. Magnetically induced electrostimulation of human osteoblasts results in an enhanced cell viability and osteogenic differentiation (abstract), 49th Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Jahrestagung, Hannover, Germany, September 16.-18.
- KUNZ, F., REBL, H., QUADE, A., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., FINKE, B. and NEBE, J.B., 2015. Osteoblasts with impaired spreading capacity benefit from the positive charges of plasma polymerized allylamine. European Cells and Materials. 29, pp. 177-189.
- MOERKE, C., STAEHLKE, S. and NEBE, J.B., 2015. Defined micro-topographical features interfere with osteoblast cell physiology. 4. Workshop "Neue Horizonte für metallische Biomaterialien", Geesthacht, pp. 30.
- MOERKE, C. and NEBE, J.B., 2015. Caveolae formation in osteoblasts membranes on structured titanium surfaces - an attempted phagocytosis of micro-pillars. 4th Workshop on Biomaterials and their Interactions with Biological Membranes, Salou (Spain), pp. 27.
- SCHARM, M., WENDLAND, F., PETER, M., WOLFIEN, M., THEILE, T. and WALTMATH, D., 2014. The CombineArchiveWeb application–A web based tool to handle files associated with modelling results. Proceedings of the SWAT4LS 2014; Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS). DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.639v1.
- SCHMIDT, C., FLISGEN, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., Jun 2015. Efficient computation of the neural activation during deep brain stimulation for dispersive electrical properties of brain tissue. Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG), Montreal, CA, 52 (3), DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2498098.
- SCHMIDT, C., DUNN, E., LOWERY, M. and VAN RIENEN, U. 2015. Simulating the therapeutic effects of deep brain stimulation in rodents using a cortico-basal ganglia network and volume conductor model. Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Montpellier, FR, pp. 852 - 855, DOI: 10.1109/NER.2015.7146757.
- SRIPERUMBUDUR, K., PAU, HW. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. Electrical stimulation of spiral ganglion cells in the human cochlea: A 3D model. Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG), Montreal, CA.
- SRIPERUMBUDUR, K., PAU, HW., MYLINSKI, R. and VAN RIENEN., 2015. Signal initiation sites on spiral ganglion cells: A simulation study. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy.
TAUTORAT, C., SCHEFFLER, U., FRANZ, D., KRÖGER, T., KOESTER, P.J., BAUMANN, W., KLINK, O. and BEIKIRCH, H.. 2015. PoreGenic® - Patch-on-Chip System für die präklinische Forschung an Ionenkanälen – Teil II. In: 12. Dresdner Sensor‐Symposium. G. Gerlach und A. Schütze, Editor. Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, Dresden 7.‑9. Dezember 2015, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2015. ISBN 978-3-9813484-9-1, pp. 118-123. DOI: 10.5162/12dss2015/P2.8.
- TRUONG, D.T. and NEBE, B. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. An implementation for the bio-chemo-mechanical model of cell contratility. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy.
- TRUONG, D.T. and NEBE, B. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. Application of bio-chemo-mechanical models on actin filament patterns of MG63 osteoblasts on micro-structured titanium arrays. Joint ISCA-Inspire workshop on Electrically Active Materials of Medical Devices (EAMMD), Limerick, Ireland.
- ZIMMERMANN, U. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2015. The impact of bone microstructure on the field distribution of electrostimulative implants. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy. pp. 3545 - 3548, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319158.
- ZIEBART, J., DAUBEN, T., SU, Y., JONITZ-HEINECKE, A., WEIßMANN, V., KREIKEMEYER, B., NEBE, B. and BADER, R., 2015. Establishment of a novel in vitro system for electric stimulation of human osteoblasts (abstract), 49th Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Jahrestagung, Hannover, Germany, September 16.-18.
- BERGEMANN, C., KUNZ, F., QUADE, A. and NEBE, J.B., 2014. Zellmigration in vitro in einem artifiziellen 3D Layer-Modell. In: Knöcherne Geweberegeneration: Zellphysiologie im Dreidimensionalen. Hans-Georg Neumann, Ernst-Dieter Klinkenberg (Herausgeber), Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen, ISBN 987-3-8440-3049-5. pp 131-142.
- BODNAR, W., WITTE, K., SCHELL, N., LANG, H. and BURKEL, E., 2014. A novel functional gradient material for dental implants - high energy X-ray diffraction study, 2nd Innovative Manufacturing Technology Zakopane.
- BODNAR, W., WITTE, K., SCHELL, N., LANG, H. and BURKEL, E., 2014. High energy X-ray diffraction study of a functional gradient material for dental implants, Sintering 2014 Dresden.
- BONK, S.M., OLDORF, P., PETER, R., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2014, Fast prototyping of multisensory cell culture chips using ultra-short pulse-laser ablation and pcb micromilling. 2nd International Conference on MikroFluidic Handling Systems (MHFS 2014), Freiburg. pp. 181-184.
- EBNER, C., ZIMMERMANN, U., SU, Y., VAN RIENEN, U., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R. 2015. Electrical stimulation of osseointegration of an uncemented total hip stem. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, TrackP: S1162, 2014
- HELLER, J., FLISGEN, T., SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Quantification of geometric uncertainties in single cell cavities for BESSY VSR using polynomial chaos. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC), pp. 415-417, ISBN 978-3-95450-132-8.
- MOERKE, C., FINKE, B., SCHNABELRAUCH, M., ANSELME, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2014. Impact of the chemistry of geometrically designed titanium on cell behavior and alignment. BioNanoMat. 15, S1, pp. 22. DOI 10.1515/bnm-2014-9017, ISSN 2193-0651, e-ISSN 2193066.
- MOERKE, C., STAEHLKE, S. and NEBE, B., 2014. Influence of geometric micro-pillared structures on the cell physiology of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells. International Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology, Regensburg, pp. 81.
- MOERKE, C., FINKE, B., SCHNABELRAUCH, M., ANSELME, K., KÖRTGE, A., WELTMANN, K.D. and NEBE B.J., 2014. Impact of the chemistry of geometrically designed titanium on cell behavior and alignment Biointerface, Redwood City (CA, USA), pp. 10.
- NISSEN, M., BUEHLER, S., STUBBE, M., BAUMANN, W., GIMSA, J., 2014. Biphasic response of neuronal networks to sodium valproic acid (NaVPA). Proceedings MEA Meeting, pp. 126. ISSN: 2199-1596.
- STUBBE, M., AND GIMSA, J., 2014. Electro-thermal micro-pumps: exploiting structural polarizations at smeared interfaces. 11th International symposium on electrokinetic phenomena (ELKIN), Ghent, pp. 96.
- SCHMIDT, C., ZIMMERMANN, U. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Uncertainty quantification of the optimal stimulation area in an electro-stimulative hip revision system. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 824-827. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6943718.
- SCHMIDT, C., FLISGEN, T., HELLER, J. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Comparison of techniques for uncertainty quantification of superconducting radio frequency cavities. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Palm Beach, Aruba, pp. 117-120. DOI:10.1109/ICEAA.2014.6903838.
- SCHARM, M., WENDLAND, F., PETER, M., WOLFIEN, M., THEILE, T. and WALTMATH, D., 2014. The CombineArchiveWeb application–A web based tool to handle files associated with modelling results. Proceedings of the SWAT4LS 2014; Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS). DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.639v1.
- WALTER, S., BONK, S., STUBBE, M., BAUMANN, W., GIMSA, J., 2014. Mikrofluidik, innere Sensorik und Strukturentwurf für ein 3D-Zellkultursystem. In H.-G. Neumann, E.-D. Klinkenberg (Eds.): Knöcherne Geweberegeneration. Zellphysiologie im Dreidimensionalen, 73–112. 1. Aufl., Shaker-Verlag GmbH, Herzogenrath. ISBN 978-3-8440-3049-5.
- WARMUTH, R., BEHRENS, M., DAHL, R., EHRT, K., PAU, H-W. and SALOMON, R., 2014. Automatic detection of the electrical elicited stapedius reflex by evaluation of its electromyographic signals engineering. 6, (4), pp. 169-176. DOI: 10.4236/eng.2014.64020.
- WARMUTH, R. and SALOMON, R., 2014. The Stapedius Reflex: Processing ist neuronal activity with a small embedded system. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, pp. 3938 - 3943. DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2014.6889848.
- WITTE, K., BODNAR, W. and BURKEL, E. 2014. Mößbauer effect studies of FAST processed iron oxide composites, 2nd Innovative Manufacturing Technology Zakopane.
- WITTE, K., BODNAR, W. and BURKEL, E., 2014. Nanostructured iron oxide composites prepared by field assisted sintering, Sintering 2014 Dresden.
- WITTE, K., BODNAR, W. and BURKEL, E., 2014. Field assisted sintering of nanostructured iron oxide composites, DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden.
- ZIMMERMANN,U., EBNER, C., BADER, R. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Numerical Investigation of an Electrostimulative Hip Stem with a Multi-Electrode Setting. The 10th International Conference on Scientifc Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE), pp. 79-80.
- ZIMMERMANN, U. and VAN Rienen, U., 2014. On the optimization of the hip stem for an electrostimulative hip revision system. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), pp. 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6930126.
- ZIEBART, J., HIEMER, B., JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., SU, Y, PASOLD, J., BRAND, M., LAUSCH, H., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2014. Comparison between electromagnetic and electrical stimulation on human osteoblasts in vitro (abstract), 48th Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Jahrestagung, Hannover, Germany, October 8.-10.
- APPALI, R., SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. Some uncertainty aspects in models for neural engineering. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 9-13 Sept. 2013, Torino, Italy, pp. 289-292. DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2013.6632239.
- BADSTUEBNER, K., KROEGER, T., MIX, E., GIMSA, U., BENECKE, R., GIMSA, J., 2013. Electrical impedance properties of deep brain stimulation electrodes during long-term in-vivo stimulation in the Parkinson model of the rat. Communicatios in Computer and Information Science, Gabriel, J., Schier, J., van Huffel, S., Conchon, E., Correira, C., Fred, A. and Gamboa, H. (eds.), Springer, Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 357, pp. 287-297.
- BONK, S.M., OLDENDORF, P., WEIHE, T., STUBBE, M., PETERS, R. und GIMSA, J. 2013. Rapid-Prototyping von Dünnschichtsensoren für Zellkulturchips durch direkte Strukturierung mit einem Ultra-Kurzpulslaser, MST 2013, 14-16.10.2013 Aachen, pp. 830-833.
- FRANZ, D., TAUTORAT, C., SCHEFFLER, U., KLINK, O., KRÖGER, T., GIMSA, J., W. BAUMANN, W., BEIKIRCH, H. and KOESTER, P.J., 2013. PoreGenic® - Patch-on-Chip System für die präklinische Forschung an Ionenkanälen. In: 11. Dresdner Sensor‐Symposium. G. Gerlach und A. Schütze, Editor. Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, 2013, Dresden 9. - 11. Dezember 2013, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2013. ISBN 978-3-9813484-5-3, pp. 68-72. DOI: 10.5162/11dss2013/3.5.
- GIMSA, J., and STUBBE, M., 2013. Exploiting structural polarization effects for the AC-electrokinetic manipulation of objects and media in cell chips. Nanotech 2013: Electronic devices, fabrication, mems, fluidics and computation, CRC-Press, 2, pp. 293- 296. ISBN: 978-1-4822-0584-8.
- HOLST, M., PAU, H-W., BEHREND, D., KOEHLING, R., und VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. In-vitro-Bestimmung der Membraneigenschaften für ein möglichst realistisches Cochlea-Modell, 16. Jahrestagung der deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA 2013), Rostock, Deutschland, ISBN 978-3-9813141-3-7.
- HOLST, M., PAU, H-W. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. In silico study for in vitro determination of membrane material properties, 15th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance (ICEBI 2013), Heilbad Heiligenstadt, pp. 158.
- HOLST, M., PAU, H-W. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. Modelling and simulation of an in-vitro experimental set-up to determine membrane electric properties, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 58 (1), pp. 747-748. DOI 10.1515/bmt-2013-4359.
- JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., PASOLD, J., BERGSCHMIDT, P., BOY, D., HANSMANN; D., TISCHER, T. and BADER, R., 2013. The impact of postmortal isolated chondrocytes for cartilage repair. International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS): “STEM CELLS AND SCAFFOLDS: A NEW FRONTIER FOR JOINT REGENERATION”, Bologna, Italy.
- JONITZ, A., GRUNERT, P., SU, Y., FABRY, C., HANSMANN, D., EWALD, H., MITTELMEIER; W., and BADER, R., 2013. Etablierung eines dreidimensionalen Versuchsaufbau zur elektromagnetischen Stimulation humaner Osteoblasten in vitro. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU). Berlin. DOI: 10.3205/13dkou686.
- KOERTGE, A., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BIRKHOLZ, M., FRASCHKE, M., SCHULZ, K., NEBE, B. and ELTER, P., 2013. Alignment of MG-63 osteoblasts on fibronectin-coated phosphorous doping lattices in silicon, International Conference on Biomaterials, Colloids and Nanomedicine, Dubai, VAE.
- SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. Single frequency approximation of volume conductor models for deep brain stimulation using equivalent circuits. 6th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Barcelona, Spain. DOI: 10.5220/0004223700380047.
- SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. Modelling the probabilistic neural activation in deep brain stimulation: Influence of uncertainty in the parameters of the electrode-tissue-interface. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan. IEEE, pp. 365-368. ISBN 978-1-4673-4939-0.
- SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. Global sensitivity analysis of the probabilistic volume of tissue activated in a volume conductor model for deep brain stimulation. 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 1218 - 1221. DOI: 10.1109/NER.2013.6696159
- STAEHLKE, S., KUNZ, F., LOEFFLER, R., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., FLEISCHER, M., KERN, D.P., NEBE, J.B., 2013. Intracellular signaling in osteoblasts on regularly structured titanium surfaces. 6th Annual meeting Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials (ScSB) Materials for Tissue Engineerings, Hafjell, Norway.
- STAEHLKE, S., KUNZ, F., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., NEBE, J.B., 2013. Analyse der intrazellulären Kalzium Mobilisierung in Osteoblasten auf definierter Mikrostruktur. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM) ISSN 2193-0651 BIONANO-MATERIALS, 14, p.81, Erlangen --> DGBM Posterpreis
- STAEHLKE, S., KUNZ, F., NEBE, J.B., 2013. Intracellular calcium mobilization in osteoblasts in dependance on defined surface micro structures. BioInterface, Minneapolis, USA
- STUBBE, M., and GIMSA, J., 2013. Electro-thermal micro-pumps: exploiting structural polarizations at smeared interfaces. Nanotech 2013: Electronic devices, fabrication, mems, fluidics and computation, CRC-Press, 2, pp. 334 - 337. ISBN: 978-1-4822-0584-8.
- SU, J., SOUFFRANT, R., KLUESS, D., ELLENRIEDER, M., van RIENEN, U., MTTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2013. Dependence of the electric field distribution in the femoral head on position and design of an electro-stimulating implant. Drei-ländertagung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria, Proceedings BMT, 58 (1) DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-4346.
- SU, Y., SOUFFRANT, R., KLUESS, D., ELLENRIEDER, M., van RIENEN, U., MITTELMEIER, W., BADER, R., 2013. Changes of the electric field distribution in the femoral head due to position and design of an electro-stimulating implant. Drei-ländertagung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria, Proceedings BMT, 58 (1). DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-4346.
- SYED, A. Z., VAN RIENEN, U. and ELTER, P., 2013. Effects of Brownian motion on electrical double layer. Drei-ländertagung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria, Proceedings BMT, 58 (1). DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-4348.
- ZHUNG, J., SU, Y., STEUER, R., BADER, R., VAN RIENEN, U. and KOLB, J.K. 2013. Time Domain Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy for Electrically Stimulated Cells and Tissues, 15th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance (ICEBI 2013), Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany.
- BADSTUEBNER, K., KROEGER, T., MIX, E., GIMSA, U., BENECKE, R. and GIMSA, J., 2012. Characterization of the encapsulation process of deep brain stimulation electrodes using impedance spectroscopy in a rodent model. Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Vilamoura Algarve, Portugal, van Huffel, S., Correira, C., Fred, A. and Gamboa, H. (eds.), SciTePress, pp.125-130.
- FINKE, B., HEMPEL, F., H. REBL, H., SCHAEFER, J., NEBE, J.B. and WELTMANN, K-D., 2012. The response of osteoblastic cells onto the aging behavior of plasma polymer- coated titanium. Bionanomaterials, 13, pp. 73. ISSN 2193-0651.
- FRANZ, D., TAUTORAT, C., SCHEFFLER, U., KLINK, O., KROEGER, T., GIMSA, J., W. BAUMANN, W., BEIKIRCH, H. and KOESTER, P.J., 2012. PoreGenic® ‐ Patch‐on‐Chip System for Adherent Cellular Networks. Biophysical Society Meeting, 102 (3, 1) 1, pp. 583a. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2011.11.3175.
- JONITZ, A., LOCHNER, K., HANSMANN, D., TISCHER, T. and BADER, R., 2012. Influence of growth factors for chondrogenic re-differentiation under normoxic and hypoxic culture conditions. International Cartilage Repair Society 2012, Montreal, Kanada.
- LOCHNER, K., JONITZ, A., SCHULZE, C., FRITSCHE, A., POHLE, D. und BADER, R., 2012. Osteolyse als Folge von Abriebpartikeln: Welchen Beitrag leisten Makrophage und Osteoblasten? Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU). Berlin. DOI: 10.3205/12dkou565.
- LOEFFLER, R., FLEISCHER, M., KERN, D.P., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., NEBE, J.B., 2012. Pyramid array substrates for biomedical studies. 56th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), Hawaii, USA.
- NISSEN, M., BUEHLER, S.M., BONK, S., STUBBE, M., REIMER, T., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2012. Sensors for glass cell-culture chips (GC³). A. Stett, G. Zeck (Eds.) Proceedings MEA Meeting 2012, NMI, Univ. of Tübingen, Reutlingen, pp. 290.
- REIMER, T., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2012. Are bursting neurons interneurons? A. Stett, G. Zeck (Eds.) Proceedings MEA Meeting 2012, NMI, Univ. of Tübingen, Reutlingen, pp. 57-58.
- REIMER, T., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2012. Spontaneous activity patterns of cortical in vitro networks depend on cellular network composition in A. Stett, G. Zeck (Eds.) Proceedings MEA Meeting 2012, NMI, Univ. of Tübingen, Reutlingen, pp. 98-99.
- SCHMIDT, C., VAN RIENEN, U., 2012. Sensitivity analysis of the field distribution in Deep Brain Stimulation with respect to the anisotropic conductivity of brain tissue. Proceedings BMT 2012 in Biomedical Engineering, 57. DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2012-4266.
- SCHMIDT, C., VAN RIENEN, U., 2012. Quantification of uncertainties in brain tissue conductivity in a heterogeneous model of deep brain stimulation using a non-intrusive projection approach. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), pp.4136-4139, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346877.
- SCHNABEL, C., JONITZ, A., LOCHNER, K., HANSMANN, D., ZIETZ, C., TISCHER, T. and BADER, R. 2012. The treatment of human chondrocytes with human serum and hypoxic oxygen levels is superior to conventional culture conditions regarding to hyaline extracellular matrix synthesis. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM). BioNanoMaterials, 13(1-4), pp. 178-211. DOI: 10.1515/bnm-2012-0015.
- STAEHLKE, S., KUNZ, F., LOEFFLER, R., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., FLEISCHER, M., KERN, D. P. and NEBE J. B., 2012. Regulation of T-type Calcium Channels in Osteoblasts on Micro-Structured Surface Topography. 2012 International Conference on Biomaterial and Bioengineering (ICBB), Hong Kong, China. pp. 21.
- STEFFEN, J., STAEHLKE, S., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., KUNZ, F., LOEFFLER, R. and NEBE, JB., 2012. Correlation of calcium channel expression and actin organization – bone cells on microstructures. BioNanoMaterials, 13 (1-4), pp. 219.
- ZIMMERMANN, U. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2012. Identification of widely applicable configurations for the electrostimulative total hip revision system. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE. pp. 3048-3051. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346607.
- BIRKHOLZ, H., 2011. Extracting the ridge set as a graph for quantification of actin filament images obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Tenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, edited by Jean-Charles Pinoli, Johan Debayle, Yann Gavet, Frédéric Gruy, Claude Lambert, Proceedings of SPIE, 8000. DOI:10.1117/12.895269.
- FINKE, B., REBL, H., NEBE, J.B., WELTMANN, K.D. and SCHROEDER, K., 2011. Time dependent investigations of plasma polymerized allylamine surfaces and cell biological response. ISPC-Beitrag, 05/2011, erschienen auf USB-Stick; Paper 299.
- GONGADZE, E., PERUTKOVA, Š., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between osteoblasts and nanostructured surface of titanium implants, Advances in biomechanics and mechanobiological modelling, University of Oxford, England, 21st April 2011.
- GONGADZE, E., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. An electric double layer model with a space dependent permittivity near a charged titanium implant surface, 21st International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Cracow, Poland, pp. 320.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., KABASO, D., PERUTKOVA, Š., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., IGLIČ, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Electrostatics and mechanics of the interactions between osteoblasts and a surface of titanium implants, 21st International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Cracow, Poland, pp. 297.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., KABASO, D., PERUTKOVA, Š., VAN RIENEN, U. and KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., 2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between cells and surface of titanium implants, 18th Meeting European Association of Red Cell Research (EARCR), Wroclaw-Piechowice, Poland, pp. 25.
- LUEDER, M., WARMUTH, R., HEINRICH, E., JOOST, R. and SALOMON, R., 2011. SRD - Towards a System for the In-Situ Detection of the Stapedius Reflex. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2011), pp. 29 - 34.
- MARROT, A., JONITZ, A., GRUNERT, P., HABA, Y., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2011. Vergleich der Vitalität und Kollagensynthese humaner, primärer Osteoblasten unter dem Einfluss der elektrischen Stimulation in-vitro. Osteologie, 20 (1), pp. 61-62.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BECK, U., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Determination of cellular phenotype and actin quantification of osteoblasts on geometrically defined microtextured titanium arrays. BIOmaterialien 12(1-4), pp. 113.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LOEFFLER, R., KERN, D., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Quantification of intracellular structures as a tool for the correlation of material vs. cellular parameters. BMT 2011, Freiburg.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BECK, U., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Cell morphometric analysis of osteoblasts on geometrically microstructured titanium surfaces – basic research for orthopedic implants. World Congress on regenerative medicine (WCRM) 2011 Leipzig.
- ROTT, G.A., ZHANG, F., HABA, Y., KROEGER, W. and BURKEL, E., 2011. Dielectric properties of porous calcium titanate (CaTiO3). The American Ceramic Society's Ceramic Transactions proceedings (From the MS&T'10 meeting). Biomaterials Science - Processing, Properties, and Applications: Ceramic Transactions, 228, pp. 89-95.
- SCHMIDT, C., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Influence of the electric double layer on the field distribution in deep brain stimulation. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 56 (1) pp. 103. DOI:10.1515/bmt.2011.860.
- STAEHLKE, S., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., LOEFFLER, R., LANGE, R., BECK, U., KERN, D. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Analyse der iInteraktion von Osteoblasten auf mikrostrukturierten Oberflächen in Bezug auf die Organisation des Aktinzytoskeletts. BIOmaterialien 12 (1-4), pp. 115.
- WYRWA, R., MUELLER, U., BERGEMANN, C., KUNZ, F., NEBE, J.B. and SCHNABELRAUCH, M., 2011. Der Effekt endogener Amine in elektrogesponnenen Polylactid-Scaffolds auf die Zelladhäsion. 7. Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage und 8. Thüringer Biomaterial-Kolloquium, Tagungsband, ISBN 978-3-00-035347-5, pp. 319-323.
- ZIMMERMANN, U., PETERSEN, S., SCHWABE, L. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Combination of neural-mass models with anisotropic head models to simulate EEG signals, in: Eighth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, pp. 108-109.
- APPALI, R., LAUTRUP, B., HEIMBURG, T. and VAN RIENEN, U. 2010. Soliton collision in biomembranes and nerves-a stability study. Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. Mathematics in Industry, Springer, 16, pp. 205-212.
- HABA, Y., STÜPMANN, F., KRÖGER, W., BADER, R., KLUESS, D., SOUFFRANT, R., MITTELMEIER, W. and EWALD, H., 2010. Ermittlung elektrischer Materialeigenschaften von humanen Femurköpfen für den Einsatz elektrostimulierender Knochenimplantate, 13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik Rostock Deutschland, pp. 61-66.
- GONGADZE, E., IGLIČ, A., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. An Electrical Double Layer Model with Spatial Variation of the Permittivity. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2010), pp. 540-543.
- GONGADZE, E., IGLIČ, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Electric double layer on geometrically structured implants. Conf. IEEE - ERK'2010 Portoroz, Slovenian section IEEE, B, pp. 339-342.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., PERUTKOVÀ, Š., BOHINC, K., BOBOJEVIC G., VAN RIENEN, U. and KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., 2010. Interactions between titanium surface and osteoblasts mediated by positively charged. Proceeding of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Valencia, Spain, pp. 92-97.
- KLUESS, D., LINDNER, T., FRITSCHE, A., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R. 2010. A validated concept to model the bone-implant-compound for loadbearing implants in biomechanical finite-element-analyses. Proceedings of SPIE, 7522, pp. 75222I1-75222I7.
- KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2010. Biomechanical behavior of a cemented ceramic knee replacement under worst case scenarios. Proceedings of SPIE, 7522, pp. 75222J1-75222J7.
- KLUESS, D., ZIETZ, C., HAUCK, S., BADER, R., SCHMITZ K.-P. and MITTELMEIER, W., 2010. Modularity of a new cementless acetabular revision cup system based on research of the anatomic variability of the pelvis. Biomedical Technic, 55 (4), pp. 229-235.
- KUNZ, F., BERGEMANN, C., KLINGENBERG, E-D., WEIDMANN, A., LANGE, R., BECK, U. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. A novel modular device for 3-D bone cell culture and non-destructive cell analysis. Acta Biomater. 6, pp. 3798-3807.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., REIMER, T., ZWANZIG, M., BAUMANN, W.H. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Gold Shark Teeth structures on MEAs - Electroplating of Nano-structures on Metallic Microelectrodes. MEA Meeting, Reutlingen.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., RUTHER, P., GASPAR, J., PAUL, O., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J. and BAUMAN, W., 2010. GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic® - 2. Cardiomyocyte Action PotentialRecordings with a 3D-MEA chip. Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, pp. 293-294.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., RUTHER, P., GASPAR, J., PAUL, O., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J. and BAUMANN, W., 2010. GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic® - 1. Whole-Cell Patch Clamp Recordings with a 3D-MEA chip. Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, pp. 291-292.
- LANGE, R., BIALA, K. and BECK, U., 2010. Characterization of the real surface increasing of structured implant materials by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the European Society for Biomaterials 2010, Tampere, Finnland.
- LANTOW, M., PORATH, K., WITTE, K., MAYER, J., WEBER, I., WEISS, D.G. and BURKEL, E., 2010, Cellular effects of TiO2 and of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles on human Mono Mac 6 monocytes and mouse J774A.1 macrophages, 20th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry Leipzig.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LOEFFLER, R., LANGE, R., CHAI, F., KERN, D.P., BECK, U. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell Architecture-Cell Function Dependencies on Micro-Arrays with Cubic Pillar Structures. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM), Material Science and Engineering, Topic F, Biomat- F3, Interfaces, Darmstadt.
- MEICHSNER, J., REBL, H., NEBE, J. B., FINKE, B. and TESTRICH,. H. 2010. Plasma Polymerisation of Ethylenediamine (EDA) for Bioactive Implant Coating. Tagungsband 18. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium: Beschichtung, Modifizierung und Charakterisierung von Polymeroberflächen, pp.42-47.
- NEBE, J.B., REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., BECK, U., KERN, D.P., WELTMANN, K.D. and SCHROEDER, K., 2010. Plasmachemisch modifizierte Metalloberflächen und ihr Einfluss auf die Zellphysiologie. Workshop on Metallic Biomaterials, Geesthacht, abstract Booklet, p 7.
- POTRATZ, C., PETERSEN, S., GRUENBAUM, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Challenges in Bio-Electromagnetic Modeling, Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) 2010. URSI International Symposium on BioElectromagnetic Theory, pp. 344-347. DOI:10.1109/URSI-EMTS.2010.5637015.
- POTRATZ, C., SOUFFRANT, R., BADER, R., MITTELMEIER, W. und van RIENEN, U., 2010. Electrostimulation of Bone Defects in Total Hip Revision in Triple Layered Domains, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedcal Engineering (IFMBE), 25 (4), pp. 291-292.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., RYCHLY, J., SCHROEDER, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Vinculin mobility in vital human osteoblasts is enhanced by positively charged material surfaces generated with plasma-polymerized allylamine. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89 (1), pp. 48.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., KERN, D.P., BECK, U., SCHROEDER, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell architecture on plasmafunctionalized, structured metal surfaces. Proceeding of the European Society for Biomaterials 2010, CD abstract no. H 3492.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., KERN, D.P., BECK, U., SCHROEDER, K., NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell architecture on plasmafunctionalized, structured metal surfaces. ESB, CD abstract, no. H 3492, Tampere, Finland.
- REIMER, T., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Burst - induced inhibition in low density cortical neuronal networks in vitro. 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam.
- ROTT, G.A., ZHANG, F., HABA, Y., KRÖGER, W. and BURKEL, E., 2010. Dielectric Spectroscopy and Microstructure of Sintered Calcium Titanate (CaTiO3) Samples With Different Porosities. Material Science and Engineering 2010 (Darmstadt).
- SALOMON, R., LUEDER, M. and BIEBER, G., 2010. iFall - Case Studies in Unexpected Falls. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), pp. 1645 - 1650, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6391-6, Bari, Italien.
- STRANAK, V., REBL, H., NEBE, B., HUBICKA, Z., ZIETZ, C., ARNDT, K., BADER R., PODBIELSKI, A., BOGDANOWICZ, R. and HIPPLER, R. 2010. Deposition of multi-structural biocompatible thin films with antimicrobial effect by pulsed magnetron sputtering. BIOmaterialien, 11, pp. 105.
- STUBBE, M., BUEHLER, S. M., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Mikropumpen sowie Sensoren für Adhäsion und Proliferation von Zellen in Lab-on-a-Chip Systemen. Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften, 15. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, pp. 133-140.
TAUTORAT, C., FRANZ, D., GIMSA, J., BAUMANN, W. and BEIKIRCH, H.. 2011. PoreGenic® - Patch-on-Chip System für Zellnetzwerke. In: 10. Dresdner Sensor‐Symposium. G. Gerlach und A. Schütze, Editor. Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, 2011, Dresden 5.‑7. Dezember 2011, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2011. ISBN 978-3942710-53-4, pp. 41-46. DOI: 10.5162/10dss2011/2.2.
- WARMUTH, R., GOLDMANN, S. and SALOMON, R., 2010. WiiLoc: a Step Towards Efficient Device Identification in Large Office Buildings by Wii-Based Localization. IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), pp. 1-6.
- WEIHE, T., PERUTKOVA, S., KRALJ-IGLIC, V., ELTER, P., IGLIC, A. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Describing electrostatic attraction between negatively charged mediated by organic counter-ions of different length. Biochemistry, Gordon Research, Biddeford (ME), USA.
- WEIHE, T., BONK, S., CHEN, Y., ELTER, P. and GIMSA J., 2010. Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy for the determination of initial adhesion of cells to different surfaces. Bone-Tech, Hannover, German.
- ZHANG, F., OTTERSTEIN, E., ROTT, G.A., BECK, U., WEISS, D.G., BURKEL, E., 2010. Preparation and surface modification of TiMn foams for bone implants, Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 71-72. DOI:10.1515/BMT.2010.244.
- BIRKHOLZ, H., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., NEBE, J.B. and ENGEL, K., 2009. Quantification of actin filament organization by estimating graph structures in confocal microscopic images. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings, 25 (4), pp. 1932-1935.
- GALEK, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2009. Modelling of effective dielectric properties of inhomogeneous mixtures in the microwave. Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET), pp. 247-257.
- HEINRICH, E., LUEDER, M., JOOST, R. and SALOMON, R., 2009. FPGA-based implementation alternatives for Keyed-Hash Message authentication code in networked embedded systems. IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2009), ISBN: 978-1-4244-2728-4, La Palma, Spanien.
- HELD, J. GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HAGNER, M., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2009. Integration of microfluidic features with microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications. Proceedings MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, pp. 476-479.
- HELD, J., GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HAGNER, M., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2009. Hollow microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pp. 220-223.
- LUEDER, M., SALOMON, R. and REIMER, T., 2009. iCAMS: An FPGA_Based System for the REAL-Time monitoring of the activity of in-vitro cells. 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1-4.
- NEBE, J.B., JESSWEIN, H., WEIDMANN, A., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., LANGE, R., BECK, U. and SCHROEDER, K., 2009. Sensitivity of Osteoblasts to Topographical and Chemical Features of Metal Implants. ICMAT, Singapore.
- POTRATZ, C., GLOCK, H.-W., SOUFFRANT, R., BADER, R., EWALD, H. and van RIENEN, U., 2009. Periprosthetic fields and currents of an electrostimulative acetabular revision system. 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 22 (12), pp.1808-1811.
- ENGEL, K., KALINOWSKI, T. and KIESEL A., 2008. Discrete optimization problems for radiation therapy planning, International Symposium on Operational Research, Les annales ROAD du Laboratoire LAID3, pp. 9-23.
- GALEK, T., VAN RIENEN, U. and BURKEL, E., 2008. Full 3D electromagnetic simulations of microwave heating of ceramic and metal powders. Proceedings of Advanced Processing of Novel Functional Materials (APNFM).
- GALEK, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2008. Modeling of magnetic and dielectric properties of metallic and ceramic powders in the microwave. Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, pp. 86.
- HELD, J., GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., TRAUTMANN, A., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2008. Microneedle arrays for intracellular recording applications. IEEE 21st Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. IEEE Proceedings, pp. 268-271. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2008.4443644.
- KOESTER, P.J., BUEHLER, S.M., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., SCHROTT, R., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. A new glass chip system acquiring electric activity and physiological parameters of stem cell derived cells. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 315-316.
- KOESTER, P.J., BUEHLER, S.M., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., SCHROTT, R., BAUMANN, W., and GIMSA, J., 2008. A new glass chip system acquiring electric activity and physiological parameters of differentiated stem cells. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S), pp. 126-127.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., GASPAR, J., RUTHER, P., PAUL, O., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., GIMSA, J. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Local micro-invasive needle electroporation (LOMINE) of single cells attached on silicon chips. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition. Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S) , pp. 462.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. Dielectrophoretic neuron trapping on semiconductor chips for the extracellular detection of the neuronal network activity. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition. Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S), pp. 120-121.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., PODSSUN, A., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Dielectrophoretic Positioning of Cells for the Measurement of Intracellular Potentials using Kidney-Shaped Electrodes. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 317-318.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI,J., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. Dielectrophoretic neuron positioning on MEAs in semiconductor chips for the extracellular detection of the neuronal network activity. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 319-320.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., PODSSUN, A., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. A new Principle for intracellular potential measurements of adherently growing Cells. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 271-274.
- TAUTORAT, C., KOESTER, P.J., PODSSUN, A., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Local micro-invasive needle electroporation - A technical challenge. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 340-341.
Patents awarded
- BIRKHOLZ, H., 2011. Extracting the ridge set as a graph for quantification of actin filament images obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Tenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, edited by Jean-Charles Pinoli, Johan Debayle, Yann Gavet, Frédéric Gruy, Claude Lambert, Proceedings of SPIE, 8000. DOI:10.1117/12.895269.
- FINKE, B., REBL, H., NEBE, J.B., WELTMANN, K.D. and SCHROEDER, K., 2011. Time dependent investigations of plasma polymerized allylamine surfaces and cell biological response. ISPC-Beitrag, 05/2011, erschienen auf USB-Stick; Paper 299.
- GONGADZE, E., PERUTKOVA, Š., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between osteoblasts and nanostructured surface of titanium implants, Advances in biomechanics and mechanobiological modelling, University of Oxford, England, 21st April 2011.
- GONGADZE, E., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. An electric double layer model with a space dependent permittivity near a charged titanium implant surface, 21st International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Cracow, Poland, pp. 320.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., KABASO, D., PERUTKOVA, Š., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., IGLIČ, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Electrostatics and mechanics of the interactions between osteoblasts and a surface of titanium implants, 21st International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Cracow, Poland, pp. 297.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., KABASO, D., PERUTKOVA, Š., VAN RIENEN, U. and KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., 2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between cells and surface of titanium implants, 18th Meeting European Association of Red Cell Research (EARCR), Wroclaw-Piechowice, Poland, pp. 25.
- LUEDER, M., WARMUTH, R., HEINRICH, E., JOOST, R. and SALOMON, R., 2011. SRD - Towards a System for the In-Situ Detection of the Stapedius Reflex. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2011), pp. 29 - 34.
- MARROT, A., JONITZ, A., GRUNERT, P., HABA, Y., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2011. Vergleich der Vitalität und Kollagensynthese humaner, primärer Osteoblasten unter dem Einfluss der elektrischen Stimulation in-vitro. Osteologie, 20 (1), pp. 61-62.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BECK, U., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Determination of cellular phenotype and actin quantification of osteoblasts on geometrically defined microtextured titanium arrays. BIOmaterialien 12(1-4), pp. 113.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LOEFFLER, R., KERN, D., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Quantification of intracellular structures as a tool for the correlation of material vs. cellular parameters. BMT 2011, Freiburg.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BECK, U., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Cell morphometric analysis of osteoblasts on geometrically microstructured titanium surfaces – basic research for orthopedic implants. World Congress on regenerative medicine (WCRM) 2011 Leipzig.
- ROTT, G.A., ZHANG, F., HABA, Y., KROEGER, W. and BURKEL, E., 2011. Dielectric properties of porous calcium titanate (CaTiO3). The American Ceramic Society's Ceramic Transactions proceedings (From the MS&T'10 meeting). Biomaterials Science - Processing, Properties, and Applications: Ceramic Transactions, 228, pp. 89-95.
- SCHMIDT, C., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Influence of the electric double layer on the field distribution in deep brain stimulation. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 56 (1) pp. 103. DOI:10.1515/bmt.2011.860.
- STAEHLKE, S., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., LOEFFLER, R., LANGE, R., BECK, U., KERN, D. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Analyse der iInteraktion von Osteoblasten auf mikrostrukturierten Oberflächen in Bezug auf die Organisation des Aktinzytoskeletts. BIOmaterialien 12 (1-4), pp. 115.
- WYRWA, R., MUELLER, U., BERGEMANN, C., KUNZ, F., NEBE, J.B. and SCHNABELRAUCH, M., 2011. Der Effekt endogener Amine in elektrogesponnenen Polylactid-Scaffolds auf die Zelladhäsion. 7. Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage und 8. Thüringer Biomaterial-Kolloquium, Tagungsband, ISBN 978-3-00-035347-5, pp. 319-323.
- ZIMMERMANN, U., PETERSEN, S., SCHWABE, L. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Combination of neural-mass models with anisotropic head models to simulate EEG signals, in: Eighth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, pp. 108-109.
- APPALI, R., LAUTRUP, B., HEIMBURG, T. and VAN RIENEN, U. 2010. Soliton collision in biomembranes and nerves-a stability study. Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. Mathematics in Industry, Springer, 16, pp. 205-212.
- HABA, Y., STÜPMANN, F., KRÖGER, W., BADER, R., KLUESS, D., SOUFFRANT, R., MITTELMEIER, W. and EWALD, H., 2010. Ermittlung elektrischer Materialeigenschaften von humanen Femurköpfen für den Einsatz elektrostimulierender Knochenimplantate, 13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik Rostock Deutschland, pp. 61-66.
- GONGADZE, E., IGLIČ, A., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. An Electrical Double Layer Model with Spatial Variation of the Permittivity. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2010), pp. 540-543.
- GONGADZE, E., IGLIČ, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Electric double layer on geometrically structured implants. Conf. IEEE - ERK'2010 Portoroz, Slovenian section IEEE, B, pp. 339-342.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., PERUTKOVÀ, Š., BOHINC, K., BOBOJEVIC G., VAN RIENEN, U. and KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., 2010. Interactions between titanium surface and osteoblasts mediated by positively charged. Proceeding of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Valencia, Spain, pp. 92-97.
- KLUESS, D., LINDNER, T., FRITSCHE, A., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R. 2010. A validated concept to model the bone-implant-compound for loadbearing implants in biomechanical finite-element-analyses. Proceedings of SPIE, 7522, pp. 75222I1-75222I7.
- KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2010. Biomechanical behavior of a cemented ceramic knee replacement under worst case scenarios. Proceedings of SPIE, 7522, pp. 75222J1-75222J7.
- KLUESS, D., ZIETZ, C., HAUCK, S., BADER, R., SCHMITZ K.-P. and MITTELMEIER, W., 2010. Modularity of a new cementless acetabular revision cup system based on research of the anatomic variability of the pelvis. Biomedical Technic, 55 (4), pp. 229-235.
- KUNZ, F., BERGEMANN, C., KLINGENBERG, E-D., WEIDMANN, A., LANGE, R., BECK, U. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. A novel modular device for 3-D bone cell culture and non-destructive cell analysis. Acta Biomater. 6, pp. 3798-3807.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., REIMER, T., ZWANZIG, M., BAUMANN, W.H. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Gold Shark Teeth structures on MEAs - Electroplating of Nano-structures on Metallic Microelectrodes. MEA Meeting, Reutlingen.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., RUTHER, P., GASPAR, J., PAUL, O., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J. and BAUMAN, W., 2010. GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic® - 2. Cardiomyocyte Action PotentialRecordings with a 3D-MEA chip. Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, pp. 293-294.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., RUTHER, P., GASPAR, J., PAUL, O., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J. and BAUMANN, W., 2010. GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic® - 1. Whole-Cell Patch Clamp Recordings with a 3D-MEA chip. Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, pp. 291-292.
- LANGE, R., BIALA, K. and BECK, U., 2010. Characterization of the real surface increasing of structured implant materials by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the European Society for Biomaterials 2010, Tampere, Finnland.
- LANTOW, M., PORATH, K., WITTE, K., MAYER, J., WEBER, I., WEISS, D.G. and BURKEL, E., 2010, Cellular effects of TiO2 and of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles on human Mono Mac 6 monocytes and mouse J774A.1 macrophages, 20th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry Leipzig.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LOEFFLER, R., LANGE, R., CHAI, F., KERN, D.P., BECK, U. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell Architecture-Cell Function Dependencies on Micro-Arrays with Cubic Pillar Structures. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM), Material Science and Engineering, Topic F, Biomat- F3, Interfaces, Darmstadt.
- MEICHSNER, J., REBL, H., NEBE, J. B., FINKE, B. and TESTRICH,. H. 2010. Plasma Polymerisation of Ethylenediamine (EDA) for Bioactive Implant Coating. Tagungsband 18. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium: Beschichtung, Modifizierung und Charakterisierung von Polymeroberflächen, pp.42-47.
- NEBE, J.B., REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., BECK, U., KERN, D.P., WELTMANN, K.D. and SCHROEDER, K., 2010. Plasmachemisch modifizierte Metalloberflächen und ihr Einfluss auf die Zellphysiologie. Workshop on Metallic Biomaterials, Geesthacht, abstract Booklet, p 7.
- POTRATZ, C., PETERSEN, S., GRUENBAUM, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Challenges in Bio-Electromagnetic Modeling, Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) 2010. URSI International Symposium on BioElectromagnetic Theory, pp. 344-347. DOI:10.1109/URSI-EMTS.2010.5637015.
- POTRATZ, C., SOUFFRANT, R., BADER, R., MITTELMEIER, W. und van RIENEN, U., 2010. Electrostimulation of Bone Defects in Total Hip Revision in Triple Layered Domains, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedcal Engineering (IFMBE), 25 (4), pp. 291-292.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., RYCHLY, J., SCHROEDER, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Vinculin mobility in vital human osteoblasts is enhanced by positively charged material surfaces generated with plasma-polymerized allylamine. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89 (1), pp. 48.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., KERN, D.P., BECK, U., SCHROEDER, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell architecture on plasmafunctionalized, structured metal surfaces. Proceeding of the European Society for Biomaterials 2010, CD abstract no. H 3492.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., KERN, D.P., BECK, U., SCHROEDER, K., NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell architecture on plasmafunctionalized, structured metal surfaces. ESB, CD abstract, no. H 3492, Tampere, Finland.
- REIMER, T., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Burst - induced inhibition in low density cortical neuronal networks in vitro. 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam.
- ROTT, G.A., ZHANG, F., HABA, Y., KRÖGER, W. and BURKEL, E., 2010. Dielectric Spectroscopy and Microstructure of Sintered Calcium Titanate (CaTiO3) Samples With Different Porosities. Material Science and Engineering 2010 (Darmstadt).
- SALOMON, R., LUEDER, M. and BIEBER, G., 2010. iFall - Case Studies in Unexpected Falls. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), pp. 1645 - 1650, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6391-6, Bari, Italien.
- STRANAK, V., REBL, H., NEBE, B., HUBICKA, Z., ZIETZ, C., ARNDT, K., BADER R., PODBIELSKI, A., BOGDANOWICZ, R. and HIPPLER, R. 2010. Deposition of multi-structural biocompatible thin films with antimicrobial effect by pulsed magnetron sputtering. BIOmaterialien, 11, pp. 105.
- STUBBE, M., BUEHLER, S. M., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Mikropumpen sowie Sensoren für Adhäsion und Proliferation von Zellen in Lab-on-a-Chip Systemen. Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften, 15. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, pp. 133-140.
TAUTORAT, C., FRANZ, D., GIMSA, J., BAUMANN, W. and BEIKIRCH, H.. 2011. PoreGenic® - Patch-on-Chip System für Zellnetzwerke. In: 10. Dresdner Sensor‐Symposium. G. Gerlach und A. Schütze, Editor. Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, 2011, Dresden 5.‑7. Dezember 2011, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2011. ISBN 978-3942710-53-4, pp. 41-46. DOI: 10.5162/10dss2011/2.2.
- WARMUTH, R., GOLDMANN, S. and SALOMON, R., 2010. WiiLoc: a Step Towards Efficient Device Identification in Large Office Buildings by Wii-Based Localization. IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), pp. 1-6.
- WEIHE, T., PERUTKOVA, S., KRALJ-IGLIC, V., ELTER, P., IGLIC, A. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Describing electrostatic attraction between negatively charged mediated by organic counter-ions of different length. Biochemistry, Gordon Research, Biddeford (ME), USA.
- WEIHE, T., BONK, S., CHEN, Y., ELTER, P. and GIMSA J., 2010. Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy for the determination of initial adhesion of cells to different surfaces. Bone-Tech, Hannover, German.
- ZHANG, F., OTTERSTEIN, E., ROTT, G.A., BECK, U., WEISS, D.G., BURKEL, E., 2010. Preparation and surface modification of TiMn foams for bone implants, Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 71-72. DOI:10.1515/BMT.2010.244.
- BIRKHOLZ, H., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., NEBE, J.B. and ENGEL, K., 2009. Quantification of actin filament organization by estimating graph structures in confocal microscopic images. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings, 25 (4), pp. 1932-1935.
- GALEK, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2009. Modelling of effective dielectric properties of inhomogeneous mixtures in the microwave. Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET), pp. 247-257.
- HEINRICH, E., LUEDER, M., JOOST, R. and SALOMON, R., 2009. FPGA-based implementation alternatives for Keyed-Hash Message authentication code in networked embedded systems. IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2009), ISBN: 978-1-4244-2728-4, La Palma, Spanien.
- HELD, J. GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HAGNER, M., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2009. Integration of microfluidic features with microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications. Proceedings MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, pp. 476-479.
- HELD, J., GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HAGNER, M., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2009. Hollow microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pp. 220-223.
- LUEDER, M., SALOMON, R. and REIMER, T., 2009. iCAMS: An FPGA_Based System for the REAL-Time monitoring of the activity of in-vitro cells. 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1-4.
- NEBE, J.B., JESSWEIN, H., WEIDMANN, A., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., LANGE, R., BECK, U. and SCHROEDER, K., 2009. Sensitivity of Osteoblasts to Topographical and Chemical Features of Metal Implants. ICMAT, Singapore.
- POTRATZ, C., GLOCK, H.-W., SOUFFRANT, R., BADER, R., EWALD, H. and van RIENEN, U., 2009. Periprosthetic fields and currents of an electrostimulative acetabular revision system. 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 22 (12), pp.1808-1811.
- ENGEL, K., KALINOWSKI, T. and KIESEL A., 2008. Discrete optimization problems for radiation therapy planning, International Symposium on Operational Research, Les annales ROAD du Laboratoire LAID3, pp. 9-23.
- GALEK, T., VAN RIENEN, U. and BURKEL, E., 2008. Full 3D electromagnetic simulations of microwave heating of ceramic and metal powders. Proceedings of Advanced Processing of Novel Functional Materials (APNFM).
- GALEK, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2008. Modeling of magnetic and dielectric properties of metallic and ceramic powders in the microwave. Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, pp. 86.
- HELD, J., GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., TRAUTMANN, A., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2008. Microneedle arrays for intracellular recording applications. IEEE 21st Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. IEEE Proceedings, pp. 268-271. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2008.4443644.
- KOESTER, P.J., BUEHLER, S.M., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., SCHROTT, R., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. A new glass chip system acquiring electric activity and physiological parameters of stem cell derived cells. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 315-316.
- KOESTER, P.J., BUEHLER, S.M., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., SCHROTT, R., BAUMANN, W., and GIMSA, J., 2008. A new glass chip system acquiring electric activity and physiological parameters of differentiated stem cells. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S), pp. 126-127.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., GASPAR, J., RUTHER, P., PAUL, O., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., GIMSA, J. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Local micro-invasive needle electroporation (LOMINE) of single cells attached on silicon chips. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition. Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S) , pp. 462.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. Dielectrophoretic neuron trapping on semiconductor chips for the extracellular detection of the neuronal network activity. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition. Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S), pp. 120-121.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., PODSSUN, A., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Dielectrophoretic Positioning of Cells for the Measurement of Intracellular Potentials using Kidney-Shaped Electrodes. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 317-318.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI,J., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. Dielectrophoretic neuron positioning on MEAs in semiconductor chips for the extracellular detection of the neuronal network activity. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 319-320.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., PODSSUN, A., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. A new Principle for intracellular potential measurements of adherently growing Cells. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 271-274.
- TAUTORAT, C., KOESTER, P.J., PODSSUN, A., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Local micro-invasive needle electroporation - A technical challenge. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 340-341.